·Ulackfocus, it's your point of view and I wish you were right. I ave no doubt that Archer is a skilled watchmaker. I wouldn't dare to have disrepect for him.
I'm actually tired of "testosterone battles" on forums. I'm here to discuss respectfully. We can't sometimes disagree on a technical point but I would never suggest I'm a kind of watch Nobel Price that allows me to treat condescentingly other OF members.
@efauser : you"re totally right, my doctor told me to avoid stress and losing my time on childish games. 😀 I should listen to him tonight.
@Archer : you were underligning the difference between oil and grease (or peanut butter, mapple syrup or else). If we need to be precise, let me underline that you said "In fact I can't recall ever seeing a tech guide or lubrication chart that calls for grease on the jumper" now you're talking about Omega specs.
Well, this said, have a nice evenning or morning according to the place your at. I much make dinner for the family.
I'm actually tired of "testosterone battles" on forums. I'm here to discuss respectfully. We can't sometimes disagree on a technical point but I would never suggest I'm a kind of watch Nobel Price that allows me to treat condescentingly other OF members.
@efauser : you"re totally right, my doctor told me to avoid stress and losing my time on childish games. 😀 I should listen to him tonight.
@Archer : you were underligning the difference between oil and grease (or peanut butter, mapple syrup or else). If we need to be precise, let me underline that you said "In fact I can't recall ever seeing a tech guide or lubrication chart that calls for grease on the jumper" now you're talking about Omega specs.
Well, this said, have a nice evenning or morning according to the place your at. I much make dinner for the family.