Scarecrow Boat
··Burt Macklin, FBIit’s not meant to be every single post by the people you follow, but rather a way to ensure you don’t miss stuff they post that’s new.
it’s not meant to be every single post by the people you follow, but rather a way to ensure you don’t miss stuff they post that’s new.
I think what it’s meant to do is show new threads posted by those people recently so if they haven’t created new threads of late or posted new watches for sale it won’t appear, it’s not meant to be every single post by the people you follow, but rather a way to ensure you don’t miss stuff they post that’s new. So for example if you follow @Aroxx he will appear because the thread is from today.
Some more updates:
- Fixed wonky UI behavior when pasting images in to editor
- Improved appearance of uploading images
- Added "Copy link" functionality to action menu on posts.
- Added "Refresh" button on Latest -> Posts (when viewed on mobile)
- Fixed layout issues with user stats getting squished in posts on Safari/iPad
- More fixes and improvements to embedded thread links and quotes that contain embedded threads
- Fixed content leaking between Omega Forums and TAG Heuer forums in Latest -> Unanswered threads
- Fixed forum statistics member counts on both sites
So you've not been busy then 😁
Thanks, @Trev , for this huge hard work, and making the whole wonderful forum a reality.
FWIW, it's all good for me, except when I go to my "Followed Members" tab, I get the grumpy cat pic and the caption, "You don't have any followed members", which isn't so.
I've been using Android on Samsung'phone, if that helps.
Thanks again, and have a great day!
There used to be a hidden function (accessed via the three dots in the menu bar above) where you could save a draft or delete a post you maybe accidentally started to reply to. Is that still around somewhere? Many thanks ❤️
Wilmore, apparently floating in Starliner, then put his microphone up to the speaker inside Starliner. Shortly thereafter, there was an audible pinging that was quite distinctive. "Alright Butch, that one came through," Mission control radioed up to Wilmore. "It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping."
The site is slowly coming into alignment, awesome work 😀
I did notice that composing a private message on iOS Safari causes the window to scroll down every time I type. Makes it nearly impossible to respond on mobile. 🙁
First off I dig the new interface! Thanks for everyone's hardwork.
On bug I noticed was when opening a new tab of OF from a google search on iPhone (I'm in research mode with more than a few tabs open) that then new OF tab doesn't recognize that I'm already signed in. I know this to be the case as a bunch of ads pop up. Quick fix is to resign in but then give the "you're already signed in" so I figured it might be a bug. Might be something someone else already pointed out but figured I'd share