So it was really thinking about the amount of time and effort that I would put in to something that wasn't going to be original, at best it would be mildly interesting as a homage, but when it came down to it wasn't that conceptually in keeping with my practice at that time, and in the end it was going to be more of a guilty pleasure than anything else, so other more important projects took priority.
But here are a few things that I learned from studying the footage, research and making inquiries..
The car was apparently a 275 GTB short wheelbase, he was very well known for driving it around..
So SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When comparing the soundtrack to the footage they're incongruous, at those kinds of speeds the 275 GTB would not be screeching like that; the driving line particularly the apexes were hardly maximized which seemed very odd.
The camera was mounted Incredibly close to the ground which gives the illusion of a much faster speed, when you look at the trees and buildings and other Street architecture you realize that actually it's really not that fast, and there's a very good reason for this.
When you listen to the engine revs and gear changes, they don't match what the visuals are doing for the most part; the 275 GTB was race car derived, it had amazing handling for a front-engine car of that era (one of my all-time favorites) however, the suspension was relatively hard compared to regular road cars of that era, mounted to a 275 would almost certainly produce really bad quality, very jittery and very shaky footage, especially on those cobbled streets, it would likely create shutter anomalies and timing problems, so he didn't use his 275 GTB.
He used a fairly bog standard Mercedes saloon car that had really good suspension, not uber smooth like the Citron DS of that era, as this would have taken away some of the sensation of Speed.