Love is blind, have a love is blind story, share it.

Been retired in the Philippines for just over 3 years now age of 57. (best thing I have ever done) Happily married to a Filipina for 27 years.I was reminded of the "love is blind" saying, after seeing this American Bloke in a video that got scammed and ripped off, lost over 40 lbs and is still saying his Gal is a great Gal.Jeezzzz....... be careful out there as times are getting rough for many. This Man named John is in the extreme opposite of my position here so I forwarded some assistance as he had a stroke and there-fore made bad decisions. Not saying to help out, just saying beware as we grow older. Things are tough for many.Rumored that he's from Connecticut!
A colleague of mine, 63 was seeing a 27 year old. She was not a hooker exactly, but she lived with him and he paid for everything. By the end of the year he had no savings left. He still claims she loved him for who he is, not his money. They are no longer together. I wonder why?

My theory is that men have huge egos and all it takes is a little bit of stroking. Job done. I listen to some men my own age or older, talking about women half their age as if there is no question that the said women would be interested in them for their potbellied, slack jaw bald heads instead of someone their own age. I can't really believe they actually have a chance. (Ok, if you are a multi millionaire, your chances increase, but on a teachers salary, I don't think so.)
A colleague of mine, 63 was seeing a 27 year old. She was not a hooker exactly, but she lived with him and he paid for everything. By the end of the year he had no savings left. He still claims she loved him for who he is, not his money. They are no longer together. I wonder why?

My theory is that men have huge egos and all it takes is a little bit of stroking. Job done. I listen to some men my own age or older, talking about women half their age as if there is no question that the said women would be interested in them for their potbellied, slack jaw bald heads instead of someone their own age. I can't really believe they actually have a chance. (Ok, if you are a multi millionaire, your chances increase, but on a teachers salary, I don't think so.)

Agreed that those whom seek out a much younger girl, is seeking out a truck load of problems here in the Philippines. I am 3 years older than my Wife and happy as heck with my marriage. Thinking with the brain. Not the #$%#
She claims that she will always love me, even if I were penniless, and I believe her. 😁

Something like this happened to my wife’s boyfriend
She claims that she will always love me, even if I were penniless, and I believe her. 😁

Interesting....what Country are you from and hers also, how did you meet? Cheers!
Interesting....what Country are you from and hers also, how did you meet? Cheers!

Sorry, the photo was a joke, and I don't know anything about that couple. I live in Portugal, and do have a Portuguese girlfriend, but have no concerns at all along the lines of this thread.
Some Men I have met in the Philippines have an awesome, wholesome Gal that they were fortunate enough to have found that love each other over all else where there is a large age difference. It is doable.......... just not advisable as the majority of Gals view the Foreigner as an ATM machine. One Youtuber connected with 1000 Women on dating sites and every single one of them have asked for money with-in the 1st 2 weeks he so claims.
This thread is cringey.

Wonderful. I am a Canadian that pitied an American that got duped. I should go back to not giving a F##K. tHANKS
Some Men I have met in the Philippines have an awesome, wholesome Gal that they were fortunate enough to have found that love each other over all else where there is a large age difference. It is doable.......... just not advisable as the majority of Gals view the Foreigner as an ATM machine.

No doubt there are success stories, but when relatively wealthy foreigners seek partners from poor countries, it should be expected that money is a primary motivator for many of the "available" women.
No doubt there are success stories, but when relatively wealthy foreigners seek partners from poor countries, it should be expected that money is a primary motivator for many of the "available" women.
100% agree............ Fact is as he was an American that had a stroke, got ripped off, and now starving to death made me assume there may have been 1 American that gave a crap.
(Archer.). You are a Mod. If you think and clearly agree this is a cringe topic. Delete the thread. Better than hopping on a Trolls cart.
(Archer.). You are a Mod. If you think and clearly agree this is a cringe topic. Delete the thread.

I am not a mod...don't want to be either...

Have the video on in the background now, but honestly, don't think this guy has learned any lessons so far. It's one bad decision after another, so what is going to happen to any new money he gets?

As you put it, he's still thinking with his dick, not his brain.
I am not a mod...don't want to be either...

Have the video on in the background now, but honestly, don't think this guy has learned any lessons so far. It's one bad decision after another, so what is going to happen to any new money he gets?

As you put it, he's still thinking with his dick, not his brain.
10-4 agree fully.
As you put it, he's still thinking with his dick, not his brain.

This thread is cringey.

I’m just gonna come out and say it:

Any middle aged, white, single, man from a western developed country that moves to the Philippines whatsoever motivated even in small part by a plan to “date” women there, deserves zero benefit of the doubt and earns every ounce of criticism or consequence they may endure.

And this guy? Having watched just a bit of that video, seems clear to me this guy simply underestimated just how much power he’d wield over his fetishized targets.

Far from the video being unfortunate, instead I find some callous enjoyment in this poor bastard being so easily, frequently, and relentlessly made to pay for being - what seems clear - the dog-whistle, wink-wink-nudge-nudge version of a sex tourist.

Or at least, guilty until proven innocent.
I’m just gonna come out and say it:

Any middle aged, white, single, man from a western developed country that moves to the Philippines whatsoever motivated even in small part by a plan to “date” women there, deserves zero benefit of the doubt and earns every ounce of criticism or consequence they may endure.

And this guy? Having watched just a bit of that video, seems clear to me this guy simply underestimated just how much power he’d wield over his fetishized targets.

Far from the video being unfortunate, instead I find some callous enjoyment in this poor bastard being so easily, frequently, and relentlessly made to pay for being - what seems clear - the dog-whistle, wink-wink-nudge-nudge version of a sex tourist.

Or at least, guilty until proven innocent.

Have you ever been to midget boxing in Manila?

It’s awesome.
I’m just gonna come out and say it:

Any middle aged, white, single, man from a western developed country that moves to the Philippines whatsoever motivated even in small part by a plan to “date” women there, deserves zero benefit of the doubt and earns every ounce of criticism or consequence they may endure.

And this guy? Having watched just a bit of that video, seems clear to me this guy simply underestimated just how much power he’d wield over his fetishized targets.

Far from the video being unfortunate, instead I find some callous enjoyment in this poor bastard being so easily, frequently, and relentlessly made to pay for being - what seems clear - the dog-whistle, wink-wink-nudge-nudge version of a sex tourist.

Or at least, guilty until proven innocent.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.