Joe Rogan

...and my guess is, most Europeans too. ... 😀

Funny I got off a plane to do a job in Panama many years ago and was picked up by a manager of the company and he had a trolley and my name on a card, expecting someone more Government looking and I walked out in Cargo shorts and a t-shirt with two large canvas bags I didn’t mind carrying to the car.
Heard “yes just picked him up..He looks like Crocodile Dundee, bid Aussie guy walked out carrying two big bags the size of me and I didn’t need the two trolleys I had”
Funny as he was dubbed “Iguana Dundee” by the end of the trip.
Funny I got off a plane to do a job in Panama many years ago and was picked up by a manager of the company and he had a trolley and my name on a card, expecting someone more Government looking and I walked out in Cargo shorts and a t-shirt with two large canvas bags I didn’t mind carrying to the car.
Heard “yes just picked him up..He looks like Crocodile Dundee, bid Aussie guy walked out carrying two big bags the size of me and I didn’t need the two trolleys I had”
Funny as he was dubbed “Iguana Dundee” by the end of the trip.
Funny I got off a plane to do a job in Panama many years ago and was picked up by a manager of the company and he had a trolley and my name on a card, expecting someone more Government looking and I walked out in Cargo shorts and a t-shirt with two large canvas bags I didn’t mind carrying to the car.
Heard “yes just picked him up..He looks like Crocodile Dundee, bid Aussie guy walked out carrying two big bags the size of me and I didn’t need the two trolleys I had”
Funny as he was dubbed “Iguana Dundee” by the end of the trip.
Shouldn’t that be “Goanna Dundee” ?
Shouldn’t that be “Goanna Dundee” ?

The place I worked at I pointed out a couple of iguanas over the fence, and in the blink of a eye a worker jumped the fence and came back with his nights dinner. I was on the Colon side of Panama. ( I didn’t know they ate them 👎 poor critters ) Same worker that necked a full bottle of rum by lunch time that I had given another employee for helping me the day before. Found it in the work container and helped himself to it......
...and my guess is, most Europeans too. ... 😀
And... Men at Work, KylieMinogue, Jason Donovan, INXS, Nick Cave, The Crowded House... more recently Pnau, The Presets, Sneaky Sound System, Pendulum, Telemetry Orchestra
And... Men at Work, KylieMinogue, Jason Donovan, INXS, Nick Cave, The Crowded House... more recently Pnau, The Presets, Sneaky Sound System, Pendulum, Telemetry Orchestra

Hoodoo Gurus!

And... Men at Work, KylieMinogue, Jason Donovan, INXS, Nick Cave, The Crowded House... more recently Pnau, The Presets, Sneaky Sound System, Pendulum, Telemetry Orchestra

If you’re going to bring up Jason Donovan and The Minogue, you can’t leave out Natalie Umbruglia!
( this is much more fun than talking about a controversial TV presenter that only the Americans have heard of....)
I loved that show and have zero recollection of him on it.

I loved that show and remember him very clearly. You’ve said that three times now so what’s your point? He’s exceptionally famous in the US and the opposite of a failed comedian. Strike two. I get it. You don’t like him.

What’s most concerning in this thread is the idea that opposing viewpoints should be stifled. One poster said if you give a platform to a crazy idea without pointing out its craziness, then you are promoting that idea and stupid people will be more tempted to adopt those crazy views.

People don’t need minders, no matter what your political party tells you. I don’t need Joe Rogan to argue with Alex Jones or a flat earthers to know that those ideas are crazy. I don’t need a censor to tell me that an idea is crazy. If I find a kernel of truth in an otherwise crazy idea, I don’t need the permission of the political elite to believe that information

I hate to tell you all, but free speech includes all of the crap that you don’t like. If you can’t handle hearing crazy ideas without being susceptible to them, that’s a YOU problem. If you believe otherwise, you need to re-take seventh grade civics class.
I loved that show and remember him very clearly. You’ve said that three times now so what’s your point? He’s exceptionally famous in the US and the opposite of a failed comedian. Strike two. I get it. You don’t like him.

What’s most concerning in this thread is the idea that opposing viewpoints should be stifled. One poster said if you give a platform to a crazy idea without pointing out its craziness, then you are promoting that idea and stupid people will be more tempted to adopt those crazy views.

People don’t need minders, no matter what your political party tells you. I don’t need Joe Rogan to argue with Alex Jones or a flat earthers to know that those ideas are crazy. I don’t need a censor to tell me that an idea is crazy. If I find a kernel of truth in an otherwise crazy idea, I don’t need the permission of the political elite to believe that information

I hate to tell you all, but free speech includes all of the crap that you don’t like. If you can’t handle hearing crazy ideas without being susceptible to them, that’s a YOU problem. If you believe otherwise, you need to re-take seventh grade civics class.

I don’t think you understand what Free Speech means, perhaps you need to retake your seventh grade civics class. Esp as your claiming my viewpoint shouldn’t be made, that’s a little hypocritical.

People can say what ever they want. That’s doesn’t mean I condone it or have to listen to them. Nor does it mean I have to be ok with people that give other people a platform. All free speech means is the government cannot impinge on your voice. It doesn’t mean you are immune to consequences from what you say.
I don’t think you understand what Free Speech means, perhaps you need to retake your seventh grade civics class. Esp as your claiming my viewpoint shouldn’t be made, that’s a little hypocritical.

People can say what ever they want. That’s doesn’t mean I condone it or have to listen to them. Nor does it mean I have to be ok with people that give other people a platform. All free speech means is the government cannot impinge on your voice. It doesn’t mean you are immune to consequences from what you say.

Sticking to US law since I'm not going touch how freedom in speech is handled in other countries

Deplatforming is an infringement of the first amendment when *and only when* a government forces it.

Hypothetical example: the US government uses a backdoor into Twitter and deletes Elon Musk's account and blocks him from ever registering a Twitter account. That's interference with his right to free speech and the ACLU would be all over that shit. But if Twitter deleted Elon Musk's account on their own, that's a private company acting on their own corporate policies and Elon Musk probably doesn't have any remedy other than launching a competing platform.
Sticking to US law since I'm not going touch how freedom in speech is handled in other countries

Deplatforming is an infringement of the first amendment when *and only when* a government forces it.

Hypothetical example: the US government uses a backdoor into Twitter and deletes Elon Musk's account and blocks him from ever registering a Twitter account. That's interference with his right to free speech and the ACLU would be all over that shit. But if Twitter deleted Elon Musk's account on their own, that's a private company acting on their own corporate policies and Elon Musk probably doesn't have any remedy other than launching a competing platform.

Although as an interesting side note. A US politician cannot delete comments on their own social media posts. As in that case it has been legally proven multiple times that the social media account is the government.
Sticking to US law since I'm not going touch how freedom in speech is handled in other countries

Deplatforming is an infringement of the first amendment when *and only when* a government forces it.

Hypothetical example: the US government uses a backdoor into Twitter and deletes Elon Musk's account and blocks him from ever registering a Twitter account. That's interference with his right to free speech and the ACLU would be all over that shit. But if Twitter deleted Elon Musk's account on their own, that's a private company acting on their own corporate policies and Elon Musk probably doesn't have any remedy other than launching a competing platform.

Summed up here...


Although as an interesting side note. A US politician cannot delete comments on their own social media posts. As in that case it has been legally proven multiple times that the social media account is the government.

Public engagement and shit 😁

@Archer, there is always a relevant XKCD 😀
When you vote for parties and contribute to groups that promote the concept of de-platforming, then you give power to groups that don’t believe in the First Amendment.

Actions DO have consequences. Accepting the censorship of speech you don’t like eventually results in the censorship of your own voice. And that censorship eventually has the power of law because you enabled it with a vote or with apathy.

I feel like most here recognize that, but some don’t care when the tide of censorship runs in their direction.

Free speech involves letting everyone speak—even the crazies. Then you let everyone else decide for themselves whether an idea is nuts or not.
When you vote for parties and contribute to groups that promote the concept of de-platforming, then you give power to groups that don’t believe in the First Amendment.

Actions DO have consequences. Accepting the censorship of speech you don’t like eventually results in the censorship of your own voice. And that censorship eventually has the power of law because you enabled it with a vote or with apathy.

I feel like most here recognize that, but some don’t care when the tide of censorship runs in their direction.

Free speech involves letting everyone speak—even the crazies. Then you let everyone else decide for themselves whether an idea is nuts or not.

yes and they have consequences for what they say.

but I can assume which side of the political spectrum you are on. The problem with their narrative is hypocrisy. When their sides presidents in power it all of a sudden becomes treason or UN American to speak out against the president. Yet they have no issues criticizing the next president from the other side.

one side cries foul when an article comes out mentioning the presidents youngest child was mentioned in another of his child’s Instagram, and claims politicizing the children. When in effect they just mentioned how odd it was as that child is never talked about publicly. Conversely that side has no qualms criticizing the clothing or school choice of the other sides president children when he was in office.

if a gun control advocate tried to speak at western Appalachian university and was denied, you would think why would he want to speak there that is a stupid idea. Conversely if a white power advocate gets asked to speak at a progressive university to show differing viewpoints and the staff and students protest against it, pearls are clutched and it’s a huge issue.

In this conversation, you are also involved in hypocrisy whether you see it or not. You make claims of free speech and deplatforming when neither are being discussed here. The only thing that seems to have your undies in a knot is the viewpoint that I do not like him. I am allowed to say that and it is a valid point I am allowed to express. I am not trying to stop him from being on the air, just expressing my thoughts. If you don’t like my thoughts you are free to ignore me. I strive not to be hypocritical and examine my viewpoints and other people's viewpoints. I unfortunately see much less critical thinking on one side of the political spectrum in the US than the other.
Free speech involves letting everyone speak—even the crazies. Then you let everyone else decide for themselves whether an idea is nuts or not.

That is not what the traditional understanding of what free speech is though. As has been explained, it is a prohibition on Government de-platforming criticism of itself.

Most reasonable people agree with the free exchange of ideas. The trouble is we know from experience that some "ideas" are unconscionable, and we need to defend society from their disemmination. The poem "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist" was a criticism of the cowardice of intellectuals allowing Nazi ideology to gain hold.

Being silent on anti-science ideas of flat earthey, climate denialists, and anti-vax people is flat out dangerous. We must defend ourselves from these quacks informing policy. Likewise with the racist, homophobes, misogynists, transphobes and so on. The correct response is absolutely not, "Hang on, let's hear them out". It is, "fυck these guys, let's go after their privately owned platforms". That's the consequences to speech we defend with the same passion you give to allowing, what are in some cases, murderous ideologies.

You might like to listen to them, and that is fine. But the rest of us expect our broadcasters and entertainers to roast these nutjobs anytime they dare take to the airwaves. It is my understanding Joe Rogan does not do that. He remains neutral. That is cowardice.
Big Joe Rogan fan. He has done a lot to increase the popularity of podcasts, at least in the US. Big UFC fan as well. Some episodes I really enjoyed off the top of my head are Glen Greenwald, two with Edward Snowden, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Jordan Peterson, Reggie Watts. Several good podcasts on fitness and nutrition as well. Can’t listen to them all because he makes one almost every day. He espoused long form interviews (1-3 hours) when the majority of interviews on TV are 5-10 minutes, allowing the people being interviewed to express more nuanced views.
Sometimes free speech is worth what you pay for it.

My cousin tells me the US is headed to civil war and he is getting guns. He us a retired Naval officer and not without a brain, just brainwashed.

This Nirvana of free speech doesn't exist. It's protrayed as two opposing ideas being freely and openly discussed so as to arrive at the wisest decision.

What exists today are isolated platforms that stomp down non-conforming viewpoints, sometimes violently. People are communicating in electronic media that is ever more isolating. There is often no opposing voice or reasoned discussion.

Yes, pretty much everyone here agrees in the concept of openly and freely expressing your thoughts. But it's not the panacea for improving society. I for one am not suggesting a restriction in a person's ability to have their say. But we should acknowledge there is a problem. There are too many people in the US who have lost their mind. It is no longer entertaining. It's harmless fun when you know one person who is crazy. It's not as fun when they start roaming through the streets with guns (not a Nazi reference but instead a Proud boy reference.)
...and my guess is, most Europeans too. ... 😀
I may only be able to call myself European for a few more weeks but I would hazard a guess that most people in the uk would be able to name many former Neighbours stars (including Kylie, natalie Imbruglia, holly Valance, Guy Pearce,Jason Donovan) , as well as the film stars previously mentioned and many others.

Now whether that is a good thing or not I will let you decide for yourself
Everybody is entitled to their point of view , it’s up to individuals whether they choose to accept that view or not .

Mmmm , Natalie Imbruglia 🥰
Funnily enough Joe just did a podcast with NASA astronaut and Omega Speedmaster fan Terry Virts several days ago. Listening to it now. Looks like he is wearing a dark side of the moon speedy in it.