··Melbourne AustraliaI agree, looks like laser etching.
No worries, thanks anyway. As far as I can tell everything is original. Unfortunately the watch clasp broke just as I was checking it with a watch technician. It looks grimy and rusted, but I didn't notice it before.
I truly believe it wasn't our fault since it was just during regular use. But, I must admit that when I got it it was OK, maybe a bit loose but in one piece. Can I, in good conscience, return it this way? Or is this the risk when you buy used watches and I have to accept it as is?
I think that as long as the seller didn't trick me and knowingly sell me something fake or modified I have to assume these things can happen, right?
Sorry for my rant...anyway...can any one point me in the direction of a used sliding clasp for a Speedmaster date bracelet???🤦
Hey all! What do you think about this one?!
Seems real to me, but I am no expert.
What do you think of this one?
let me know what you look for to determine Real or Fake.
This is my first so really do not have a reference point.
It was bought from a reputed dealer and delivered from eLady.
E Elit33https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/383318491595
Hello. I am not sure if this is genuine. I think it looks somewhat sketchy but the seller seems reputable.