„Transitional“ 14381/14393/14900/14902s with arrowheads are a thing and legit, not 100% sure on later 167.005/168.005. This one, though, doesn’t exactly give me a good feeling in the belly.
„Transitional“ 14381/14393/14900/14902s with arrowheads are a thing and legit, not 100% sure on later 167.005/168.005. This one, though, doesn’t exactly give me a good feeling in the belly.
„Transitional“ 14381/14393/14900/14902s with arrowheads are a thing and legit, not 100% sure on later 167.005/168.005. This one, though, doesn’t exactly give me a good feeling in the belly.
These are just some examples of my 14381 and 14393 with arrowheads.
Is this really a good indication regarding originality?
I think a 60 year old watch which looks like it just came out of the factory... something is up. Either the photos have been photoshopped or it's a replacement dial, or something like that.