Information needed for importation to US - Advice?

That's not exactly what I'm saying. Usually your shipment will clear as long as customs can figure out the duty, but sometimes (for whatever reasons) they request Form 5106 be filled out. If you are requested to provide Form 5106 you have to do it or the shipment will not clear customs. You really can't talk your way out of it. I was just reviewing Form 5106, it is a four page form and if you are a business there is a lot of data you have to provide to identify the company's officers including passport numbers, SSNs, addresses and the like. A company will also have an IRS number, the EIN. A non-business, personal import individual just needs to fill out name, resident address, SSN, phone contact, date and signature. Perhaps a personal importer can use an EIN, it's not clear. I just can't get too excited about putting my SSN on an official government document, the customs agents doing all this entry stuff probably aren't skimming SSN to sell for profit.
I have had to deal with that specific form one time, when importing from Poland (also UPS). Even then, I did not provide my SSN (the seller provided something). All my FedEx and DHL shipments have not required that, just the basic Watch Worksheet.

What I am experiencing are differences between UPS vs. FedEx and DHL.

It will be interesting to see if they now require 5106 due to the EIN I provided. No, I have not been asked to complete this form yet.

I do not worry about Customs agents stealing my SSN, but do worry about sloppy handling and other people getting their hands on it. I have seen too many horror stories from lax data security/privacy.

There is a reason a lot of collectors will not buy/sell internationally. Based on my multiple experiences, I am tiring of it myself.
I have had to deal with that specific form one time, when importing from Poland (also UPS). Even then, I did not provide my SSN (the seller provided something). All my FedEx and DHL shipments have not required that, just the basic Watch Worksheet.

What I am experiencing are differences between UPS vs. FedEx and DHL.

No, not really. When I have shipped watches back to customers in the US, on occasion FedEx has asked them to fill out this form and provide their SSN.

As you have been told, it’s kinda random...
No, not really. When I have shipped watches back to customers in the US, on occasion FedEx has asked them to fill out this form and provide their SSN.

As you have been told, it’s kinda random...
@Archer Random makes sense. I have been trying to figure out the pattern to improve the chances of a smoother clearing process but this is likely not possible due to all the factors people have explained here. And my sample size is not so large to prove a pattern anyway, especially with UPS, since the majority of my shipments have come through FedEx.

Seems I must live with the vagaries, hassles, and additional data requests or stay domestic.

I appreciate all the insights!
What I am experiencing are differences between UPS vs. FedEx and DHL.

It will be interesting to see if they now require 5106 due to the EIN I provided. No, I have not been asked to complete this form yet.
No, it's got nothing to do with which carrier is importing the parcel, it's based on what US Customs is requiring. None of us know how the mechanism works as to which packages get flagged, perhaps it's all random, but I suspect it has other factors that we aren't privy to. The only time I had to fill out Form 5106 was a FedEx shipment, so it's not shipper dependent.

Perhaps the EIN you provided will suffice and UPS will fill it out for you, acting as your agent. Keep us posted on how it all goes. In any event it's not a big deal.
No, it's got nothing to do with which carrier is importing the parcel, it's based on what US Customs is requiring. None of us know how the mechanism works as to which packages get flagged, perhaps it's all random, but I suspect it has other factors that we aren't privy to. The only time I had to fill out Form 5106 was a FedEx shipment, so it's not shipper dependent.

Perhaps the EIN you provided will suffice and UPS will fill it out for you, acting as your agent. Keep us posted on how it all goes. In any event it's not a big deal.
Will do.

I have also had a shipment held up for inspection. No idea how they get flagged for.that but yet another seemingly-random difference.. Probably similar to luggage getting pulled for additional inspection. Who knows, could be based on some algorithm, risk factors, random sampling, or all the above.
The EIN did the trick: Watch flew through Customs with no additional info needed. Arrived ahead of schedule this morning. The UPS agent was very good at staying on top of any holds once I made contact.

Here it is: Enicar Sherpa Graph Mark IV (late 1960s).