·It’s a bit sad on my end. I see people showing each other new functions on their smart watches. Some at work know about my watch habit and find it dumb I spend money on watches when cell phones are perfect time keepers. I tell them it’s a good reason not to have your head buried in your phone like so many of us do. When I don’t wear a watch I don’t feel right, like not wearing a belt. So in my immediate circles the watches are slim. I do travel to Boston regularly and do see a lot of nice watches walking around with people
I constantly fight against the smart watch thing. But I must admit that they ARE really convenient. For the past week I’ve been wearing my Gen-0 stainless Apple wrist thingie. My job is somewhat abusive toward all items of clothing and jewelry and I find myself needing timers several times per day. I had been wearing my Explorer II to work, but I got tired of having to drag my phone out all the time. So for now, the mechanicals are locked up and only come out for weekend wear. And yeah, it sucks....