Vinz Clortho
·The bestseller book “Thinking slow and fast” covers this exact brain process.
We have two brains - one that can take simple information instantly without processing it. And another that can process more complex information, but acts slower and requires some more energy.
We go by default to the first brain, because it’s more gratifying and requires no effort.
Analog clocks (for most I suppose) require the second brain layer to be activated to properly read the time.
Digital clocks probably feel more like instant information, due to our familiarity with numbers, so they feel easier to read for many. And many of these are now also connected to instant gratification with notifications from our phones etc.
Also thinking through and speaking "quarter to eleven, half past eleven" rather than 10:45, 11:30" makes a difference. Plus the beauty of looking at something so simple on the dial and how complex the design is underneath to make everything work really adds to the experience of appreciating time.