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  1. Walrus Feb 15, 2023

    It’s very sad to see it just take people over, out my way it’s more fentanyl too much sad stuff to even get into. Reality is tough on a lot of people I know dope is like a warm blanket making everything ok and then you don’t wake up. It’s too bizarre and far too common so many hurting families. Who knows what kind of guy your neighbor was before meth took over (maybe you do) but none of that stuff brings out the best of us. It gets to be too much after a while.
    BLOW UP and SC1 like this.
  2. Aroxx Sets his watch Feb 15, 2023

    I used to be big into fitness and got kinda lazy lately. Really need to get back into strength training. I grew up mountain biking and then started doing a lot of miles on the road. By college I was very into bodybuilding type lifting. Later got more into strength, endurance, and "functional fitness" as they call it. Did some of the Spartan type races and some other endurance events carrying heavy stuff around for long periods of time. Also started running a good amount. Longest running race I ever did was a half marathon and countless others. Distance running is definitely not for me. Currently I run 3-4 miles a few times a week. Really need to force myself to get a consistent strength program going again. I have some weights in the garage. I want to get a power rack and do my own garage gym. I'm kind of over going to gyms.
  3. SC1 Feb 15, 2023

    We "inherited" him and his addiction - unfortunately.
    1.5 years of living next to him and I can tell you truthfully, fucking sick of his bullshit.
    Walrus likes this.
  4. Aroxx Sets his watch Feb 15, 2023

    I prefer to drop the weights from the top of the lift and then yell as loud as possible. So everyone in the gym can see how jacked and tan I am. :D
  5. Dsloan Feb 15, 2023

    Do it! It's really nice not having to wait to use the rack. And most gym barbells are awful. And, you won't have searing gas pain from holding farts in while you're squating.
    noelekal, SC1, Mad Dog and 1 other person like this.
  6. Duracuir1 Never Used A Kodak Feb 15, 2023

    With your gigantic Invicta strapped on your right wrist.
    Mad Dog, Omegafanman, SC1 and 2 others like this.
  7. mydeafcat Feb 15, 2023

    All of a sudden I’m 60. Still, I play drums in 3 bands and that keeps me pretty fit. I’m still at the gym 2-3x a week to indulge my fitness obsession. I spin for 45 minutes and hit the weights for high rep sets (I can’t get too muscle-bound as it affects my drumming). When the weather is drier, I ride my road bike (a real one with a Campagnolo group set; none that other crap :D).

    I’ve been on prednisone for 8 months now that I’ve been diagnosed with PMR. I am on a low dose, fortunately. Unlike many others who have gained weight on the drug, I’ve not gained an ounce. Other than mood-related issues (prednisone really winds my patience spring tightly) it seems to be working for me.

    Now, I’ve been vegetarian/pescatarian since 1984 and find that even when I bail from my fitness routine for a month or two (post-surgery, say), I still stay pretty fit. Food choices are just as key as exercise, in my view. No soda, no fast food, and only corn chips and dried fruit as my snack choice. OK…dark chocolate is a total guilty pleasure (and now that’s considered dodgy!!). My sisters and late mother tended towards heavy body types. My late father, my brother, and myself tended to stay slimmer although I was a heavier teenager (too many burgers and fries most likely). The last 40 years I’ve perhaps over-compensated.

    I admit to borderline obsessive thought about weight gain and fitness and health in general. Yeah…even at 60. Cancer took my parents and all of their siblings, and heart issues are another bane of my family. Don’t get me wrong: I love to eat and I do enjoy Belgian beer and bourbon. Pizza, Indian food, Italian, Chinese…bring it on. Yet there’s a nagging voice in my head that keeps me from going too far calorie-wise. My wife thinks I need to be less concerned with this stuff, especially since I’m getting older!! ::rimshot::

    Edited Feb 15, 2023
    NGO1, DaveK, RI Omega Fan and 15 others like this.
  8. Mad Dog rockpaperscissorschampion Feb 15, 2023

    Edited Feb 15, 2023
    NGO1, noelekal, bazamu and 8 others like this.
  9. SC1 Feb 16, 2023

    Sonor drums, nice... once, long ago, I was endorsed by them.
    Sonor Lites and Phonics were my choices always.
    mydeafcat and Duracuir1 like this.
  10. SC1 Feb 16, 2023

    Go big... why fart when you can shart. Plus sharting clears the weight room so no waiting around for the preferred apparatus.
    Mad Dog likes this.
  11. Togri v. 2.0 Wow! Custom title... cool Feb 16, 2023

    Worst is squatting if you had chili the day before. If we are eating tacos for dinnner or something like that I usually load up on my home-fermented chili sauce but often forget that next day is gym-day.

    In my gym there are posters saying throwing weights is prohibited. Last week a guy got a warning for dropping the barbell after deadlift
  12. ghce Feb 16, 2023

    You are definitely on the right track.
    mydeafcat and Duracuir1 like this.
  13. UWG Feb 16, 2023

    My regime for reducing my weight slowly and sustainable:
    Porridge every morning (made with Oat Milk and a pinch of salt), no additions. And for every lunch Skyr (Islandic yogurt like product) with mixed nuts and dried fruits. In the evening and at the weekends I do eat quite "normal" and everything I like.
    And I also reduced my consumption of alkohol.
    So nothing drastic and I feel much better in my age (56). And I lost 7 kg within 3 Months.
    mydeafcat, ghce and Duracuir1 like this.
  14. UWG Feb 16, 2023

    Edit: As we are international here and are dealing with different measurements for weight, I will give an insight via OF-Standard ;)
    YYTIN, DaveK, noelekal and 4 others like this.
  15. Duracuir1 Never Used A Kodak Feb 16, 2023

    Perfect! This make the thread more legitimate.
    YYTIN, blubarb, Dsloan and 1 other person like this.
  16. MyVintageOmega Feb 16, 2023

    I have worked out for 40 years plus. Starting of coarse when I joined the Army. I once posted an image of my physic on another Forum and had over 20+ persons saying "that's not you!' Kind of real nutty... as it was me. LOL...... This of coarse begs the question, what is this image???
    Give a looky lu. My work out is with no weights, only pushups, sit ups, chin ups and diet, Sometimes I will go 30 days eating only 600 calories daily so the body literally consumes fat, than go high protean back to working out. What I do is not advised for anyone, it's my hangup alone.
    I was heavy artillery reg force, kinda shows a wee bit.
    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 6289.jpg
  17. dsio Ash @ ΩF Staff Member Feb 16, 2023

    Damn, you’re a monster man, 40 years of that discipline is remarkable
  18. MyVintageOmega Feb 16, 2023

    Thanks. This is the only place where my image appears on internet. Never really wanted to go public but as years go on, may as well put it out there. When I say pushups, this means variations of such. I will do at least 200 ...3 times a day and than 200 with my feet up on a chair, Those are combat pushups I believe. I rarely drink water but do drink 5 coffees in a day to speed up metabolism, and drink at least 2 quarts of milk. Anyone that drops to 600 calories in a day eating only twice (lunch at 12am supper at 6pm ) will drop all the fat and also loose muscle. When I go high protein I only eat meats and nothing else and keep my muscle. It is extremely difficult to do this as I am always hungry. But!!!!!! When I eat, it goes down so dang good and is more delicious. I do at least 600 situps in a day at any time I feel like and at least 400 chin ups. I have currently no health issues and I am 61 years of age. Image I posted is at 58... still the same doing the same routine. I smoke 10 Lumboy (Philippines) cigarettes a day, drink 6 ounces of rum before bed., so I have my vices, but I also have a Gorgeous Filipina Wife. Married for 27 years. Going for record Honeymoon 27 years and beyond. I retired at 57 to the Philippines and my Daughter is a Deputy Police Chief back in Canada, Hard work while being young and a great life Partner that allows you to also collect Watches is happiness 101. @stayFitOut here..... eat less, work out more! Cheers!!
  19. Duracuir1 Never Used A Kodak Feb 18, 2023

    S.H.O.P. (Steve’s House Of Pain). Cardio machines (bike, elliptical and Concept 2) in front of a TV. Weight workouts consist of my age (53) in reps per body part a few days a week. Not that much pain anymore, but not many injuries either. (Using light weights now) ED3E9BEE-910B-4693-976F-88433D3AE6BE.jpeg B585227D-8CCE-4A53-B6ED-E7F9AD7C8F9E.jpeg 4AA7A6D1-12BF-48AA-BBF6-B24CB7E61974.jpeg 5E333CDC-CC06-437D-AD99-796743D30A20.jpeg E241753C-24B1-4128-9BFF-522E8C5F286F.jpeg 4D924019-B68E-4A68-86D5-D0B2D585E6DB.jpeg
    Edited Feb 19, 2023
  20. Pastorbottle Feb 18, 2023

    Instruments of self inflicted torture, if you like suffering that much you may as well cut to the chase, and start nailing your penis to the coffee table! ::stirthepot:::D
    That way you’d save on gym memberships and have more money for important stuff like more watches!