·My watch doesn't need service - it's still running! 😜
My watch doesn't need service - it's still running! 😜
It’s Alive!!
Very nice, congrats! Looks like it takes a 12AT7, 6BN4A, and some 6AU6's (awesome that Mac keeps their service manuals online) - what are you gonna use? Looks to be in nice shape.
Already loaded with RCA’s and Telefunkens.
The funny thing about hifi is that by the time you can afford decent hifi your hearing is too buggered to appreciate it! 🤣
For the vinyl purists out there...
For the vinyl purists out there...
That has not been my experience...I cannot tell you how many people have told me that vinyl is more "pure" than anything digital, not understanding that digital has been there for far longer than they ever imagined.
For the vinyl purists out there...
Indeed - what sounds great to one person will not to another. As long as you find what works best for you, that's all that matters.