For the Hi-Fi enthusiasts among us...

Mcintosh for ever even then are SolidState , as we said in EU we do the best soups are done in the old pots 😀)))))))))
Gave my kit a spring clean this week. Phono sockets got a go with Caig Deoxit for this very reason.
Mcintosh for ever even then are SolidState , as we said in EU we do the best soups are done in the old pots 😀)))))))))

Looks like XR-5 !!!! wowow !
Hmm, I don't miss the analog days of the vinyl and cassette tapes with all the clicks, pops, and distortion. Not sure why people are now so hung up on it? The clean sound from a high bitrate digital audio file/streaming is much better. Not only that, I don't have to get up to change tracks. I suppose some of you would like to go back to owning a TV without a remote as well? 😉
Now the clicks and pops were what I had recalled from my early vinyl days, but actually if you have clean vinyl, with quality recordings and ok to good equipment, these just dont happen. Delightful, quiet and a dynamic take that is different to the same album in high bit-rate digital. I own a number in both formats, and when the recording is good I usually much prefer the vinyl.

Having said that, 90% of my listening is 44/16 and better digital files. The vinyl is reserved for special times.

I think you can love both, the same way you can love a vintage Speedmaster and and an X33 as I do
For all the compromises and non-linearities inherent in the process, it's astonishing how well vinyl sounds!
For all the compromises and non-linearities inherent in the process, it's astonishing how well vinyl sounds!
Despite, as you said, the "process", vinyl can be quantitatively remarkably low-distortion. Not as low as the digital can be but it holds surprisingly well. Here are results of tests I've done on test records, with with my Phase Linear 8000 turntable and Audio Technica AT440mla cartridge.

Spectrum of a 315 Hz signal (distortion and noise floor). Distortion is mostly second harmonic. Third harmonic distortion is 66 dB below fundamental (0.05%)!

High resolution spectrum of a 3150 Hz signal - super clean, no obvious mechanical resonances of the tonearm or turntable motor flutter (both of which would appear as sidebands). Noise floor is super low.
Bigger the XR7 and with a ACDC or a Jazz CD perfect
Great !!!

I had two pairs of XR5 and loved them !!
If you ever get the chance to hear them, do it. The BR25, BR26 and BR50 speakers developed by Geithain in the GDR are astonishingly enjoyable to listen to. Here, for example, the BR26. I still have to completely restore my BR 50.

That might be true at higher voltages and currents but the voltage is less than 1VAC and the current is approximately nothing (microamperes). So it won't hurt to clean things off every so often.
I finally took the time last year when the Covid shutdown occurred to clean my connectors on my stereo. The actual connections on the inside were pristine while the outer exposed sides were filthy and black. I've not cleaned them in over 10 years.
I don't know what some of you are talking about when it comes to vinyl. A high bitrate audio file will outperform every stat the vinyl can come up with. A Tidal MQA or Amazon HD Music will literally blow away any vinyl on every conceivable metric, including ease of use. It's literally like sitting in a recording studio and hearing the performance live. It doesn't get any better than that in this day and age.

I know that some of you will get cognitive dissonance from that fact but just because you can't psychologically handle the truth doesn't mean it's not the truth.
I don't know what some of you are talking about when it comes to vinyl. A high bitrate audio file will outperform every stat the vinyl can come up with. A Tidal MQA or Amazon HD Music will literally blow away any vinyl on every conceivable metric, including ease of use. It's literally like sitting in a recording studio and hearing the performance live. It doesn't get any better than that in this day and age.

I know that some of you will get cognitive dissonance from that fact but just because you can't psychologically handle the truth doesn't mean it's not the truth.
Audiophiles were given that same line around 1982 when the CD came's PERFECT!!! It measured great but sounded not so great. Technology has certainly improved in the digital age, but it's a brave, yet foolish, man who claims that a high bitrate recording will outperform a well prepared vinyl record. Use your ears, it's not always the case.
I don't know what some of you are talking about when it comes to vinyl. A high bitrate audio file will outperform every stat the vinyl can come up with. A Tidal MQA or Amazon HD Music will literally blow away any vinyl on every conceivable metric, including ease of use. It's literally like sitting in a recording studio and hearing the performance live. It doesn't get any better than that in this day and age.

I know that some of you will get cognitive dissonance from that fact but just because you can't psychologically handle the truth doesn't mean it's not the truth

The irony of your assertion, and especially given your ludicrous channeling of Jack Nicholson as Col. Jessup, is that sound quality is not necessarily tautly related to "metrics". Some amps with higher measured distortion than others sound better to most listeners, to use just one example.
"metrics"... yeah, because we have figured out what all the right things are to measure, and how to measure them. All is already defined, case close. 🙄
Ah a nice CD vs vinyl argument, I was a bit surprised we hadn’t had one of these yet. FWIW I never liked vinyl but then do like tube amps over solid state, while the sound is interesting I found it more different than better and prefer convenience. Different strokes for different folks though.
I have yet to listen to ANY stereo system that could be fully mistaken for a live performance.
Ah a nice CD vs vinyl argument, I was a bit surprised we hadn’t had one of these yet. FWIW I never liked vinyl but then do like tube amps over solid state, while the sound is interesting I found it more different than better and prefer convenience. Different strokes for different folks though.
Gotta love 'em!

Here's what's probably the truth.

Cheap analog frequently sounds less awful than cheap digital.
Cheap tube amps frequently sound less awful than cheap solid state.
Price-no-object blows the doors off of anything designed to a price point.
Very talented engineers can design things to a price point much better than engineers who don't care/little experience/less training.

I like tube amps and preamps; they were fun to play with back in the day. I could rebuild a Dynaco Mk III as well as many, and better than some. My preamp was an ADC B100 designed by Mark Dineen; one of the most linear tube preamps on the planet. Keep your Audio Research, cheap junk in comparison. All it needed were some component upgrades in the power supply because of course ADC built them to a price point, but boy did it sound good!

A lot of the solid-state stuff coming out these days is amazing compared to the 80s when I was more active in this stuff. I use Parasound exclusively except for the A/D converter, which is a Stax DAC-Talent. Parasound's D/A sounds better than a stock DAC-Talent; mine is not stock. 😁

And, I think we can all agree, without a good set of speakers, the rest of it doesn't matter as much.
Ah a nice CD vs vinyl argument, I was a bit surprised we hadn’t had one of these yet. FWIW I never liked vinyl but then do like tube amps over solid state, while the sound is interesting I found it more different than better and prefer convenience. Different strokes for different folks though.

And this is the key. What people like is subjective, and although there’s no doubt the vinyl, CD’s, 24 bit files, etc. all sound different, what is “better” is up to the individual.

In my view personally, production value has much more impact than the format you play it on.
I have yet to listen to ANY stereo system that could be fully mistaken for a live performance.
You probably never will. Any time you have capacitors and inductors, phase shifts happen that you don't get in real life. Some get close, though!
The reason I don’t have many live recorded LPs is that they sound nothing like an actual live recording through a hifi system (or radio, walkman, car, etc.). I have a few good tapes that were taken straight from the mixing desks at gigs, but there is no way you can replicate the live experience (especially if it was a Ramones gig 😲).

And, as @Archer pointed out, production is key to a good recording. When AM radio was prevalent in the 70s popular songs in particular were engineered to sound good when listened through a mono transistor radio, and subsequently didn’t sound so good through good systems. Now that many of these recordings have been remastered and/or remixed they sound much better. Additionally, the difference a good engineer can make in a studio is remarkable.

There’s also the difference in vinyl quality before and after the 74 oil crisis, and after CDs were launched...