So I picked up an FOIS from an AD back in January. I’ve wanted a Speedmaster for years and love the simpler case shape of the FOIS so was super happy to be in a position to get one before they were discontinued with a serial no. of 12735.
A week or so after it arrived I noticed a small mark on the seconds sub dial, it was quite tricky to see at first glance and only noticeable at certain angles and lighting, but once you’ve seen it. I posted some pics on here asking if it might be a mark on the crystal but the consensus was it was definitely on the dial face so off it went back to the AD (Goldsmiths in the UK).At first they tried to say that I must of opened the casebook and had voided the warrantee but after a few strongly worded emails backwards and forwards they relented and said it would need to go back to Omega to have the dial replaced.
10 weeks later I get the watch back with a perfect dial so although I had to wait a long time I was happy with the outcome. Over the summer I wore the watch everyday and it kept perfect time until one day when it suddenly lost 2 minutes in a day. I kept an eye on it over a week and set the time and wound it every morning but come the end of the day it would have lost between 1 and 3 minutes so something was not right and back to Goldsmiths it went. They initially said it would need to go back to Omega for inspection and repair but after 6 weeks they came back and said a replacement was going to be sent out rather than the original watch with no further explanation. It arrived last week and so far so good and hopefully I won't have any issues with this one and I can just enjoy wearing it.
Anyway this is a rather long winded story to say that when I received the new watch and turned it over I was surprised to see a serial number of the #
16035 so must be one of the last made and the highest number that I’ve seen on here.