Demanding replacement for 3861 with chronograph issue from Boutique?

Hi all,

So I bought the new 3861 several months ago -- and sure enough, recently began having the known issue where I run the chronograph, with the watch fully wound, and it stops 15-30 minutes later, stopping the entire watch as well. I didn't have this problem until very recently.

My question is - what are my options? I bought this from the boutique, it's obviously under warranty, but I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this ~6 month old watch now needs to be shipped off for a 8-9 week service that I have seen from others. I am demanding a replacement from the boutique, but wondering if anyone has any thoughts on if they'll agree to it.
Hi all,

So I bought the new 3861 in May -- and sure enough, recently began having the known issue where I run the chronograph, with the watch fully wound, and it stops 15-30 minutes later, stopping the entire watch as well. I didn't have this problem until very recently.

My question is - what are my options? I bought this from the boutique, it's obviously under warranty, but I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this ~6 month old watch now needs to be shipped off for a 8-9 week service that I have seen from others. I am demanding a replacement from the boutique, but wondering if anyone has any thoughts on if they'll agree to it.

So frustrating Omega shipped this out like this.

Have you looked into the consumer laws of your country?

Where I live the seller will have two tries at sorting out the problem before a replacement is warranted, obviously they can opt to replace it earlier for goodwill.
Have you looked into the consumer laws of your country?

Where I live the seller will have two tries at sorting out the problem before a replacement is warranted, obviously they can opt to replace it earlier for goodwill.

Thanks - I haven't looked into it, though you are right - this would probably be a goodwill thing on the part of Omega.
Thanks - I haven't looked into it, though you are right - this would probably be a goodwill thing on the part of Omega.
Regardless of what you hope the outcome to be I always think its best to know your rights first up. That way you know the difference between what you can demand and what is goodwill.
In the US, the vendor has the right to repair or replace at their option. So you can demand all you want, you'll not likely get a replacement.

I get it, it's no fun when something goes wrong, but someone has to have bad luck, and it turned out it's your turn. Hope it works out well.
So I bought the new 3861 in May -- and sure enough, recently began having the known issue where I run the chronograph, with the watch fully wound, and it stops 15-30 minutes later, stopping the entire watch as well.
I just wanted to add, since it's a known issue, they'll fix it and you won't have issues going forward (we hope). So you're ahead of the game in that respect.
Hi all,

So I bought the new 3861 in May -- and sure enough, recently began having the known issue where I run the chronograph, with the watch fully wound, and it stops 15-30 minutes later, stopping the entire watch as well. I didn't have this problem until very recently.

My question is - what are my options? I bought this from the boutique, it's obviously under warranty, but I think it's absolutely ridiculous that this ~6 month old watch now needs to be shipped off for a 8-9 week service that I have seen from others. I am demanding a replacement from the boutique, but wondering if anyone has any thoughts on if they'll agree to it.

So frustrating Omega shipped this out like this.
So sorry to hear that your watch has been affected by this issue. IMHO I think the OB will most likely offer to fix the watch under warranty rather than replace it with a new one as you've already had your watch for over 6 months and it's no longer "new". Good luck and hope it's resolved to your satisfaction.
Always unfortunate to have an issue, but that's what the 5 year warranty if for. Hopefully they fix it right the first time and you can go back to enjoying this beautiful watch.
Probably have owned the watch too long to "demand" a replacement....Disappointing you have a problem, but if you approach this with a little humility at first and then ramp up your expectations, it may work better in your favor.
Very unfortunate to here. I would difinitely try for a new one. Remember when asking for a new one, you get more bees with honey. I picked mine up last week and have my fingers crossed mine doesn't have the problem. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
I am probably fine with the repair with a loaner, if there is such a thing 😀
If you knew about the issues with the 3861 and still went ahead and bought one, and now a few (6?) months later you were hit with the issue, it is hard to make the case that Omega should give you a new watch. If this was a show stopper issue you should have waited until Omega fixed all the watches in the pipeline and those coming out of the factory. Life isn't fair, have the watch repaired and move on. Omega doesn't owe you a brand new spanking watch no matter how much you demand it.
It's a six month old watch, you won't get a brand new one, send it in for repair and wait.
Unfortunately sometimes we buy things that don't work as they should, your first recourse should be with the store to ask them to solve the issue, the likely outcome is that the watch goes off to the service centre for repair, thats totally fine as long as when the watch comes back fixed.

It is extremely unlikely that you would get a replacement so my suggestion would be some nice Omega goodies in compensation.

Sorry that the watch has failed but sometimes sh!t happens, be firm but polite and I am pretty certain that you will get the watch back working well and with a few not for sale goodies to help ease the pain.
I would just get it repaired and move on. Going in and demanding something would likely make the situation worse for you. Its a 6mo old watch at this point, there is a less than 1% chance of them replacing it with a brand new watch, even if you are the nicest person in the world.

I had an issue with the bezel alignment on a brand new PO, i brought it in, was very nice, very humbled and had the watch back within 2 weeks.
I have an issue with the chrono hand not aligned perfectly on an Apollo 8 Speedmaster that i bought in November. I have brought it up with my local Boutique(where i bought it) and they are happy to send it off to repair for me. I opted to wait, as i love the watch and figured the delay would be great considering the holidays.

My point is, mistakes happen, things happen, nothing is perfect. Just go in, see what they can do. Maybe bring up your concerns(politely) about a repair vs replacement. Maybe bring up the timeframe, "i love the watch, i would hate to be without it for xx weeks or months", they can possibly expedite things for you.
You are extremely unlikely to get a replacement before the first repair, but if there continue to be issues, and there are subsequent repairs, they may replace it.
What if you get a new one that hasn't had the fix your one you have now is due to get if it's sent in....


Get the fix 😉
Frustrating. One of the several reasons I opted for a 1861 while they are still available.
Agree with others that repair rather replacement is likely inevitable on a months-old watch. On the plus side, having recently had an 1861 back for regulation and repair via my AD, it was a very pleasant and utterly friction-free experience that had the watch back and running beautifully within a few weeks with a nice new travel box and free strap as throw-ins. Compared to some of my watch-repair sagas -- I'm glaring at you, Breguet and Rolex! -- it was a sunny walk in the park. Omega take CS seriously.

And IMO getting the replacement isn't always the best solution -- devil you know, etc. They will fix it, hopefully quickly, and have it back to you in perfect nick. Just take detailed pix before you send it in, preferably including a few at the AD/ OB.
go and push for total replacement. omega cannot jyst close their eyes on faulty product. it's a shame.