Cleaning watch dials

Be very very very very careful..
This guy made a super helpful video, so I'm putting it up for anyone interested:
You beat me to it. Came here to share this same link. This video gave some good advice but honestly scared me away from ever attempting it!
You beat me to it. Came here to share this same link. This video gave some good advice but honestly scared me away from ever attempting it!
Yes, it can be very scary, I've really messed up a couple of (low-value) dials in the past, but I'm pleased to say I'm getting better..
If you (or anyone else) fancies practicing on some old dials, Gleave & Co (St John St, EC1) often have bags of old watch parts with multiple dials for about five quid, I was there on Friday (5th) just gone to pick some parts up, and they had about half a dozen bags with quite a lot of dials😉