··Home For Wayward WatchesIt's great fun to choose a pocket watch on occasion and go to town.
A pocket watch may not have presence of the wrist watch prominately displayed, but it is so gratifying to haul out the pocket watch to consult it for the time. Other folks notice and want to see it, see its innards, and learn its age. They don't do that when a cell phone is consulted for the time.
Pocket watches are the best watches for starting a favorable watch conversation with "the great un-watched!"
A pocket watch may not have presence of the wrist watch prominately displayed, but it is so gratifying to haul out the pocket watch to consult it for the time. Other folks notice and want to see it, see its innards, and learn its age. They don't do that when a cell phone is consulted for the time.
Pocket watches are the best watches for starting a favorable watch conversation with "the great un-watched!"