I know this is not a big concern when your damn life is at stake but have home insurance rates gone up in California. We see the video of the aftermaths you guys deal with and it often looks like a bomb was dropped on entire neighborhoods/towns
I know this is not a big concern when your damn life is at stake but have home insurance rates gone up in California. We see the video of the aftermaths you guys deal with and it often looks like a bomb was dropped on entire neighborhoods/towns
Walrus, not sure if this one was meant for me - if so, sorry if I was confusing about my location in my post - I'm not sure about insurance rates in California. I'm in Oregon (Portland area) with family throughout Oregon.
Walrus, not sure if this one was meant for me - if so, sorry if I was confusing about my location in my post - I'm not sure about insurance rates in California. I'm in Oregon (Portland area) with family throughout Oregon.
It was a general question really. You didn’t confuse anything I think I’m just so used to reading about fires in Cali in popped in my head. Stay as safe as you can
A new daily high record is not as "extreme" as having your entire town burn to the ground.
Every historical source and proxy points to conditions having been far hotter and drier in the west during the Medieval warming period and decades long mega droughts were not uncommon before the 20th century.
In 1858 major rivers dried up in Canada and much of that country was declared by the Palliser mapping expedition to be uninhabitable by humans.
The worst known drought conditions in the Pacific Northwest were in the 1640's.
@Professor Appreciate your perspective and willingness to share. Not sure we will agree on some of the causes but I know we share our concern for our friends in areas threatened by the fires. Hope everyone is safe.
Those skies look terrifying, reminds me of the bushfires in Australia at the start of the year. These guys were lucky to get out alive, many didn’t. Truly scary, I find it amazing that the truck’s tyres didn’t melt in the extreme heat. Stay safe over there!
Yet another year when what happens in Australia in December / January repeats in California later on in the year.
Both fire seasons started a lot earlier this year.
The impact on flora and fauna will take along to recover from these fire seasons.....
As I left this morning to drive to the office, I noticed an orange sun behind the roof line of my house in LA. I probably should have taken a picture as the smoke and fog in the air combined to give an eerie glow to the sky and morning sun.
Not just California; the whole West Coast is taking a beating.
Air Quality Index.
purpleair.com is an excellent air quality resource. Laser based particle counters and high sampling rate. We are getting hammered in the Willamette Valley. Have family staying with me in Portland due to their evacuation from near the Santiam Canyon fires. AQ index was 600+ where they were located, right now between 300-400 in Portland. Reminds me a bit of what it was like when the Mt. St. Helen's volcano went off.
People who suggest more “raking” clearly have no concept of how vast and rugged a lot of California and the west really is.
Our ecosystem here has evolved alongside fire and the fires have been suppressed for far too long, the fuel is there, the temperatures are spiking and the land is parched. I have a ranch in a coastal valley that averages 50 inches of rain per winter and we only received 15 inches last winter.
It’s disingenuous to blame the government, let’s be compassionate for those that are losing their homes and livelihoods and not make this political.
People who suggest more “raking” clearly have no concept of how vast and rugged a lot of California and the west really is.
You don't have to brush rake the entire state in order to create effective fire brakes that could have saved many towns and homes.
The cost of proper management is a tiny fraction of the cost in property and lives of mismanagement.
Use live in the Bay Area feel for you. We had a few fires by me in Montana but the smoke did not last long were the moon looked orange. A canyon by Bozeman lost 27 homes due to a fire feel for those who lose everything. We are back to blue sky’s. In some ways makes you think there is something about global warming. We also had a fire about 7 miles from me a few weeks ago it’s out now. Had a dummy a few houses down burn a leaf pile and it set his yard on fire I bet he did not have a burn permit the fire department was not happy lucky no houses burned this happened the other day. You see any of the fire fighters thank them when younger did the CCC in California during my time there they trained us to fight fires when cal fire use to be called CDF they fight fires with hand tool like Pulaski’s, double bits , McLeod, shovels, and a back pack spayer, we were using homelite chainsaws back then if you were lucky you had one. Toughest work I ever did nothing but a nonex top a helmet goggles and a wet bandanna for smoke and the paper sleeping bags low pay but they fed you good all for 500 a month with 114 taken out for room and board. Glad I did it out of high school. Remember on one fire the state paid for our breakfast at a restaurant we used there restrooms there bathrooms were black after we cleaned up in there don’t think that restaurant was happy after we left. Other things we did in the CCC was fire reduction were you collect all the dead debris on the forest floor into burn piles to be burned in winter. Some one was talking about the dead trees from drought and disease use to back pack in the Emigrant National Forest they would have dead trees marked for removal along the road on the way in for the trail head and depending what time of year you mite see them removing the dead trees. Being a certified arborists the drought has a lot to do with trees catching disease were it weakens the trees defense from bore’s a bark beetle if you see a dead tree that has fallen and you see these channels under the bark they do some serious damage.
The usual beach traffic, summer heat, humidity and COVID restrictions here in the Northeastern US are looking pretty good right about now. Feel very badly for so many who have lost their homes and even their lives. Stay safe out west folks. Our prayers are with you.