John is an excellent writer. I'm thinking he didn't mean "brownie points" in the way you literally took it. I think what he was trying to convey is that you should expect that most Omega collectors and especially the hard core snooty ones, won't respect that watch at all. Not you; the watch. It will sort of be like wearing a knock-off Hermes necktie. The people who know Hermes will know its a fakie and think you're a piker and the rest of the 99.9% of normal people who couldn't care less about Hermes in the first place still won't care.
While I see what you're saying in terms of thinking I misinterpreted Mr. Smith, I think there are things to point out...
1. He wrote, "but just don't try to score any brownie points with it on the forums or with other collectors." The hypothetical act of me later posting it to a forum would afford any kudos intrinsically to be received by the poster to a forum - would it not? John wrote, "...with it..." So, as "literal" as you are calling me, I think "trying to score brownie points" would indeed be something addressed to me, not the watch. Warning me about an attempt to gain approval based on the watches merits is how that entire sentiment appears. While I respect the fact that this man is a local "expert," I'm not as taken with his prose.
2. If you're going to establish some hypothetical scenario to make your point about your interpretation of my accused misinterpretation, then you can have the Hermes aficionados think me a "piker" in your explanation if this isn't about me and more about the watch itself...
I came asking for an opinion, and obviously I got the most authoritative one, so I tried to be respectful. But to be honest, I private messaged him to ask him an opinion WITHOUT try to out the seller of the watch itself in any rebuke of its value. John took it upon himself to respond out in the open, which I thought was kind of an abrupt shift. Then cautioned me about buying it and trying to impress the masses with it because I would have been possibly ridiculed by hardcore Omega collectors...
It wasn't so much of a joke, as it was "it's a nice looking watch, but no one here is going to like it." I honestly appreciated the advice on going after something more original.