How's everyone doing? At the beginning of 2020, there was a thread debating covid 19, i see its gone now.
A lot has happened, my other half left at the end of 2021, it was sudden, unexpected & confusing. After 12 years, all she said was "i'm not happy & i cannot continue". Apparently we had a lot of talks about it, which i did not remember.. to which she said, "if you don't remember, i suggest you get some help.
She blamed me for everything, said nothing, & suggested that i needed psychiatric help. I honestly had no idea what was happening, i was given time to move out, but the next day, it was changed to just 2 weeks. i had to pack everything i had & moved into an empty apartment. I worked in the daytime & packed my things in the evening. I made a trip everyday and rented a truck on the last day.
It was bad, i was confused, i didn't know what was happening, to say it was upsetting would be an understatement.
It took months to get things fixed, hot water, appliances, furniture, cabinets. Living in a mess, unpacking & re-packing things, donating & throwing things away. I found a shrink that cost more than phone sex, and that was the only thing that helped.
Long story short, she was gaslighting me. With the benefit of hindsight & help from my shrink, she had many, many narcissistic personality traits. She was very subtle, what they call a covert narcissist, everything she blamed me for, she actually did herself. Anger management, not talking, avoiding issues, silent treatment, guilt tripping, never apologising, the list goes on.
i had months of her constantly reaching out to add more agony till i just cut contact. Was told i could come see my cats & collect my things, went there to find my things at the rubbish point & nobody home. Left the treats for my cats at the door & left.
Left some furniture there, was told i could come get them when i cleared things & sorted out my stuff. 2 days after i moved out, she put them up for sale..
There's pages & pages that i had to write down, memories, little incidents that now make sense. Things that went missing, but was told i either never had them, or had thrown them away. Well, i found some of those things when i was packing my things. My spare keyboard that i supposedly never had was stuffed behind my cupboard. Seeing the shrink was good and bad, good was getting things explained, bad was not being able to sleep.
Best of all, my bff took her side & 2 close friends re-located overseas. So i went through it alone. I'm still working on things 21 mths on. The first year was rough, i had no will to go on. I was on a lot of alcohol, Battling suicidal thoughts daily is no joke, depression, anxiety, and cptsd combined wore me out. I came close... the only thing that kept me going was taking care of my cat.
i guess thats all i have to say, i'm still here...