·Hope you'll love it! Much as I adore 911s, the 914 made a huge impression on me from the very start, and I daily regret I've never got round to buying one of my own - first I got too picky over condition and colour - I'm insistent on one of the funky colours like Viper/Conda or Blood Orange, and then I started dissipating the specific purchasing funds I'd built up when interest rates collapsed, as I now figure that the money should really be going to my kids while they need it in relatively young adulthood. Just think, if I hadn't been so saintly and prudent I could be enjoying my own personal ongoing battle with the hell hole right now! Regards and Good Luck with yours, David.
Thank you. It is replacing a 912 which was burnt, in an arson attack. I enjoy the mid engine handling of the 914. Like a gokart with much more grip