I’ll respond here at the risk of getting criticized over the wrong location. If I’ve gotten the wrong tread I apologize.
This could start off with ‘What are you drinking today,’ which for me, at the moment, would be a very nice Pinot Noir from Washington. ((Oregon’s are usually better.) I live in Seattle) )) So, after my third glass here it is.
I was advised to not purchase this item. I did anyway. I love the silver and gold and can live with a little polish. This will be left to my grandson who is currently four years old and is very excited about getting my watches, though he doesn’t associate that with me being dead. I’ll be dead, so what do I care, AS long as I love the watch, which I do. I have about thirty watches and this one feels perfect - while wearing, when looking at it. On my wrist it feels l absolutely perfect.
So, I guess my point is maybe listen to Desmond (check OF on Constellations). Times change and those influencing your opinion now may not direct you to what you are interested in. What do you like. If it isn’t the perfect item that is really ok. Use the wonderful OF to help you decide if the item is what you desire.
Feel free to flame me.