This thread and specifically the replies to my offering of contacting sternecruz (bloody crystal specialists) makes no sence this is essentially what it boils down to...
OP: this crystals is not as good as it should be its omega i expect better its shit....
You lot: yes they are crap and expensive we expected better
Me: sternkreuz are crystal specialists better and cheaper no problem with their AR coating Hell it's all they do! crystals crystals so it's cheaper and BETTER..
You lot: we would not dream of bastardising our omega watches with cheaper or better we WANT orriginal disappointing and expensive crystals we dont want to hear your better and cheaper because its not "original" we like shit.. crystals...
we could have the same conversation about GASKETS "aghem..."
(imaginary)OP: i like omega gaskets but they cost lots of money and are just gaskets. this one let in water omega want me to pay £80 gasket
Me (imagined reply) i have some bergeon gaskets you can have they are excellent quality just like omega
You (imagined) no no we dont want your excellent bergeon gaskets that are just as good as omegas we want branded gaskets... (probably made in the same factory somewhere..
...or BATTERIES omega dont make special bloody batteries better either.. or crystals or gaskets in some cases generic OR specialists (sternecruz) is equal and better
... but its not omega mega mega m... mega mmm...