I think it does show where the batches lie. In conjunction with the strong possibility that Longines supplied in block of six it’s very easy to reach a number of around 1000-1200.
Somewhere I copied @bigbug1964 photo he took of the page with his COSD. It was the first clue that lead me to the May batch date. That page showed a lot of information and showed that there were breaks in the serial numbers for other orders.
Well yes we can see that there are breaks in the plot. That photo did clearly show that movements were recorded in blocks of six, so a batch would likely be 6, 12, 18… 6n. If we take that as likely, and use it in conjunction with known SNs then we get to around 1000-1200. It seems a more robust approach than trying to guesstimate based on the number of clearance divers.
I can not disagree that the number of clearance divers doesn't equate to the exact number of watches. Without seeing the order, we can't really tell. I will say that there are likely more total number of COSD than there were original Tuna cases. At $20,000 asking prices now days, people are building new never before existing COSD since we know many of them should really be in Dennison cases.
I thought you said that the Dennison cased ones were recased movements from the first non-issued Tuna-cans ? If that was the case, then putting a Dennison cased movement and dial back into a tuna-can would be returning it to it’s original state.
Yes, that is the justification used. And to some that is okay. The radium dialed COSD watches that are in Dennison cases originally came out of Tuna cases. However, there are more Tuna cases than there are radium dialed COSD Dennison donors. So, where is the movement coming from?
This person has a potential for $100,000 here. He has to find movements. He has everything else for a brand new car.
Aha! Now I did update my post and said you are an honest person in search of real COSD movements and not going to just put a range correct movement 😀 Hope the search is going well, buddy. I realize it's an extreme challenge to find a UK delivered and correctly worded donor movements. And honestly I think Finest Hour is out of their minds.
Anyway, the point I was making, is that we have a safer bet with those two dates. For other possible delivery dates, I think you need Guido's photograph.
Well the term “real COSD movement” is pretty loose as you know. Best would of course be a complete unissued big crown watch to use as a donor, but it would be somewhat pointless to use a fully correct watch as a donor ! So I’m left with Dennison recased COSD watches, or even harder, loose COSD movements. But it has been a fruitful 18 months.
Somewhere I copied @bigbug1964 photo he took of the page with his COSD. It was the first clue that lead me to the May batch date. That page showed a lot of information and showed that there were breaks in the serial numbers for other orders.
Exactly, so you see the April 14th date and May 2nd date is in the first column. The month is roman number. Agent Day Month Year.