·Yeah talking with a buddy he recommended the ZT.
Thats what he uses as his EDC but he also recommended to me something from Kershaw.
Thats what he uses as his EDC but he also recommended to me something from Kershaw.
OK well for example,
@mgmarsh39 posted that CRKT a few posts above.
And a few posts above that @Jwit posted that Benchmade.
I don't necessarily have a budget, but what makes one $50 and the other $200?
Can I apply the same watch logic? Better materials, design and quality?
Still trying to figure out who Seiko would be📖
May I please have recommendations for a general purpose automatic opening knife... folding or otherwise. Specifics are flexible at this point. I don't dislike the Buck 110 auto but am not sold. Not sold one way or the other on blade style. Any thoughts? Thank you.
have fun