Any red flags on this Seamaster 300 vintage?

This is a good illustration of the main reason why I very much dislike, and avoid Chrono24:

Because they purportedly "vet" the private sellers, they don't feel the need to provide any information about them. But of course that begs the obvious question: why would they be afraid to allow purchasers to leave public feedback?

The question is essentially rhetorical.
I see something else as "complete disquieting" .......which can not be seen at --- anyone too? 😀
is the alignment of the text wrong, ending therefore lower than the hippocampus on both the sides?
OK : next one ? 😉
Yes, possibly.. but maybe it doesn’t make sense to list them all, given what has been said earlier about not providing too much information and details to the counterfeiters.
Someone on the forum said well to keep away from these if you are know little to nothing about them, unless you want to be burnt heavily of cash!!!
There is plenty of information which has been forwarded over time on this forum and also re-referred by reoccurring posts and sites from time to time. As also mentioned in the past, a sticky on this would be great for when these sorts of questions arise as it is not always easy to access the information needed right away when you need it the most..

As it has been said many times, if one doesn't want to invest the time to properly study the information available, you either walk away or buy from a reputable dealer who is willing to back you in writing in the event of a remote possibility that you have bought something that will later confirm doubt. As the gospel of buying vintage collectible watches, " Buy the seller, not the watch".

These sort of discussions have been occurring on Rolex forums for decades, as the Rolex submariner in particular is one of the most replicated of most brands. Sure enough we don't want to divulge too much in discussing as a prevention against some spy/spies stealing the trade secrets of improving their counterfeits to potential suckers. I am confident that any organization ( not an individual as it is a too bigger operation!!!) going to such extremes of troubling themselves to palm these deceptive products would want to create a foolproof product as possible to fool even the best of the best, regardless of any great giveaway input from any discussions from the ones in the know! . All they would have to do is spend $$$ big thousands into a great prototype (which can later be sold) and study it properly to replicate it as best as possible. Period!!! With todays technology one could almost replicate a Picasso!! For example in the guitar industry, they have the potential to replicate a Steve Ray Vaughan Fender Stratocaster used by the artist with all the original distress marks using state of the art technology ( in this case being perfectly legal under license of the patent proprietor).

Anyway just my two cents worth of where I would stand if I were desperate to add one to my collection. Buy the Seller not the watch or even better I would better stay away to avoid being skinned heavily!!
This is a good illustration of the main reason why I very much dislike, and avoid Chrono24:

Because they purportedly "vet" the private sellers, they don't feel the need to provide any information about them. But of course that begs the obvious question: why would they be afraid to allow purchasers to leave public feedback?

The question is essentially rhetorical.
As a private seller on Chrono24, I don’t think I’ve ever been vetted. How did they purportedly do that?
This forum scares the hell out of me, and I appreciate that. I cant imagine the amount of money I may have dolled out on fake watches if I started down the rabbit hole before discovering this community.

Truly terrifying.
,,,,,,,,,,,it doesn’t make sense to list them all, given what has been said earlier about not providing too much information and details to the counterfeiters.
As I mentioned in my previous post, any counterfeiters would have already done their homework very well and not necessarily need to come here to get information! Let’s look at the logic, what individual would blindly go and spend possibly hundreds of thousands $€£ to create a product without getting it as right as possible? Sure they would cut costs to avoid the fine tuning,but if they can get away with it they would like any business trying to cut costs! If the giveaway becomes aware to the public , they will fine tune it to go to the next level! All they need to do is buy a good genuine collectible and work on studying the details on it without need to spy here! Let’s be real!!
As I mentioned in my previous post, any counterfeiters would have already done their homework very well and not necessarily need to come here to get information! Let’s look at the logic, what individual would blindly go and spend possibly hundreds of thousands $€£ to create a product without getting it as right as possible? Sure they would cut costs to avoid the fine tuning,but if they can get away with it they would like any business trying to cut costs! If the giveaway becomes aware to the public , they will fine tune it to go to the next level! All they need to do is buy a good genuine collectible and work on studying the details on it without need to spy here! Let’s be real!!
You can speculate as much as you want and call it logic, but in the Rolex world, there is a long history of fakes getting better and better as fakers iterated to address the highly publicized tells. It seems that you think it's trivial to study every detail, but apparently it's not. Details are elusive. Ultimately experts learned to keep some things to themselves, I know I have a few things that I look for on a Rolex clasp and I would never post them. I guarantee that the same thing has happened with Speedmaster bezels. Many of us are just sitting on some things we look for, and we're not eager to post them.

Maybe you have not come across it, but there is a whole world of reproduction watches with forums full of enthusiasts and manufacturers providing parts at various price points (believe it or not, there are low-, medium-, and high-quality reproductions), and the investment is not nearly as much as you think it is. The manufacturers of reproduction/aftermarket parts don't have the interest in or motivation to copy every fine detail that a collector cares about, and they are more than happy to use collectors' research to improve their products.

The SM120 / SM300 kits are just the incidental crossover of the two worlds. Other times, people who have honed their craft in the repro market deliberately dip their toe into selling fake watches as legit.
As I mentioned in my previous post, any counterfeiters would have already done their homework very well and not necessarily need to come here to get information! Let’s look at the logic, what individual would blindly go and spend possibly hundreds of thousands $€£ to create a product without getting it as right as possible? Sure they would cut costs to avoid the fine tuning,but if they can get away with it they would like any business trying to cut costs! If the giveaway becomes aware to the public , they will fine tune it to go to the next level! All they need to do is buy a good genuine collectible and work on studying the details on it without need to spy here! Let’s be real!!
I take it you haven’t been to any of the fake watch forums? There is a huge one that is quite active that frequently discusses the details that are shared within these pages. Searching “omegaforums” on that forum will yield you pages of search results where those members directly quote posts here, link popular fake identifying threads from here, and discuss at length all of the fine details that are shared here.

Do fakers buy genuine watches as you say? Of course they do. However, owning a real 165.024 or 166.024 does not automatically give the owner the knowledge of exactly what to look for down to the smallest detail. And you’re greatly overestimating a faker if you think they are going to commit the time to become an expert on this one reference when they are realistically making dozens of other fakes at the same time. Discussion is crucial, and the fake forums most certainly use these pages.
You can speculate as much as you want and call it logic, but in the Rolex world, there is a long history of fakes getting better and better as fakers iterated to address the highly publicized tells. It seems that you think it's trivial to study every detail, but apparently it's not. Details are elusive. Ultimately experts learned to keep some things to themselves, I know I have a few things that I look for on a Rolex clasp and I would never post them. I guarantee that the same thing has happened with Speedmaster bezels. Many of us are just sitting on some things we look for, and we're not eager to post them.

Maybe you have not come across it, but there is a whole world of reproduction watches with forums full of enthusiasts and manufacturers providing parts at various price points (believe it or not, there are low-, medium-, and high-quality reproductions), and the investment is not nearly as much as you think it is. The manufacturers of reproduction/aftermarket parts don't have the interest in or motivation to copy every fine detail that a collector cares about, and they are more than happy to use collectors' research to improve their products.

The SM120 / SM300 kits are just the incidental crossover of the two worlds. Other times, people who have honed their craft in the repro market deliberately dip their toe into selling fake watches as legit.
Agree with everything you say!! You are also trying to break open an unlocked gate with this information !! Of course there is valuable information that people will not share!!! University Professors, artisan tradesmen, master chefs amongst the few are a perfect example (as was with the previous KFC recipe' being a trade secret people have tried to crack until the beans were spilled) etc, etc, etc.

The point I was also inferring was where does one draw the line as there will always be someone that knows more than the next expert . Who is to say that those that know more than most are collectively behind it? Nothing is impossible and as with any preowned vintage piece regardless of whether it s a watch or anything that has passed many other hands from the factory door, there is no absoluteness!!
Question is who do you trust when even reputable dealers can and sometimes will scam you!!!

I know that I cannot post links here but if you search and read what happened on the perezcope site with the "fake multimillion Rolex Daytona 6242 Yachtmaster validated by top expert" there is an even deeper world ( less likely to be suspect candidates) than just a whole world of reproduction watches full of enthusiasts and manufacturers. As figure of speech you would not even want to trust a second hand Timex!
Will get off my soap box now!
Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of a real Seamaster 300 bezel can see this one is fake — the teeth are way too long on the edge. They’ve also tried to mask the fake bezel insert by intentionally damaging it to make it look more aged.
Details are elusive.

Location can be a factor. Take for example something like chocolate. One of the better chcolates is Guttard, which is made on the SF penensula where their is a gap in the hills that lets the fog and sea air come through. They have a second plant in Fairfield. Which is 80 or so miles to the north east, closer to the central valley. Same beans, same equipment, but the chocolate tastes different.

Winemakers talk of 'terrior' Which is the climate and soil the grapes are grown.

It is sublte things like that what effect the premium stuff. Designing on a drafting board produces different results than using a cad program. Pantographs and shaper cams verses syncro or stepping motors. Even the training of the workers can make subtle differences.

There is a story of a company that produced a star shaped macaroni pasta. Production was moved to china, but the results were not the same. Was impossible to move back to domestic production because the machinery had been destroyed. So the product was discontinued.

We now return you to Orange Alert, Orange alert, orange alert ...
I know that I cannot post links here
Why not?
As I mentioned in my previous post, any counterfeiters would have already done their homework very well and not necessarily need to come here to get information! Let’s look at the logic, what individual would blindly go and spend possibly hundreds of thousands $€£ to create a product without getting it as right as possible? Sure they would cut costs to avoid the fine tuning,but if they can get away with it they would like any business trying to cut costs! If the giveaway becomes aware to the public , they will fine tune it to go to the next level! All they need to do is buy a good genuine collectible and work on studying the details on it without need to spy here! Let’s be real!!
In my comment I was simply trying to follow some advice and what I believed to be the wishes of certain members. I’m here to learn, and I would have liked to continue discussing details and learn through direct back and forth confirmation/correction process, but I simply thought that someone might not appreciate it and I stepped back.
In my comment I was simply trying to follow some advice and what I believed to be the wishes of certain members. I’m here to learn, and I would have liked to continue discussing details and learn through direct back and forth confirmation/correction process, but I simply thought that someone might not appreciate it and I stepped back.
Absolutely! It is not just here! The same posts also occur on other watch brand forums where the fear of discussing pedantic details that point out ALL the giveaways of why a timepiece is not the real McCoy will educate fraudsters with more information for improving their scam products!
if I doubt about something Yu don’t know , just ask if is it legit or not!! Then depending on the answer you get you can make an informative decision. That is what I did on the Rolex forum which was a safe way not to get into the forum sin bin !
Why not?
Posted a link of a site last week which I was unaware was against forum rules,so I play it safe not to!
Probably to a replica forum or so?
Probably to a replica forum or so?
Not sure if it was or not, until it was pointed out to me that it was just not allowed! Nowadays, it is so hard to tell what is real or what is not ,so better to play it safe!