Any Members around Fair Heaven, NJ , to forward a Speedmaster ?

Not one of eBay's finest moments.... A Chargeback ,no return postage help from eBay because of a customs declaration to Australia ( which I have and can provide ). Too short compliance timeline given and then full refund given to the US buyer without return of the Speedy to me for inspection.... The Buyer has the money back and the Speedmaster as well. Then forwarding to me in Australia with all paperwork provided. Just a trip to the post office. Funds upfront as usual. Would be a great help. Thanks and kind regards. Achim
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Hi Achim, I can do it for you. I’m about an hour from there, I could even drive over there and get it if I had to. Send me a PM if you still need help. -Alex
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Hi Achim, I can do it for you. I’m about an hour from there, I could even drive over there and get it if I had to. Send me a PM if you still need help. -Alex
If this is the one that sold on eBay on 1/26, you may want to talk about it not leaving the country and staying with you.
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If this is the one that sold on eBay on 1/26, you may want to talk about it not leaving the country and staying with you.
No way José. I just bought something else and need to chill on the watches. I'm happy with my 3861. No Speedmasters in my near future.
If you think you could trust them to ship, you know I’m down to help. However, in this case, I also understand why you’d want a more local option. Good luck Achim!
Hi Achim, I can do it for you. I’m about an hour from there, I could even drive over there and get it if I had to. Send me a PM if you still need help. -Alex

Funnily enough, I too am about an hour from here. Never even heard of it before today.
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I am also happy to help, I am in Mass. so it would have to be mailed up to me.

One word of caution here... I mailed a friend in Melbourne a very nice fountain pen a few years ago. The package turned up with the box and papers but no pen. Some light-fingered bastard made off with it. Insurance and documentation is super important...but I know I am not telling you anything you don't already know.
If this is the Speedmaster from the 1/26 eBay listing under the same handle as the one you use here, why not offer it here on the forum for the price it sold for - it looked like an awesome watch for the money, it’s already state-side so easy for a US buyer.
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If this is the Speedmaster from the 1/26 eBay listing under the same handle as the one you use here, why not offer it here on the forum for the price it sold for - it looked like an awesome watch for the money, it’s already state-side so easy for a US buyer.
I thought this too after your last post. You should buy it! :D
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I thought this too after your last post. You should buy it! :D
I only gift one Speedmaster per decade.
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I thought this too after your last post. You should buy it! :D

Right? Seems like he really wants it for himself.
I only gift one Speedmaster per decade.

I can wait 7 years and you could borrow it till then?
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Seriously- if this is the same watch as the eBay listing, it was a nice deal and people here are always looking for good deals on speedy’s. I’m of the mind that if you can put two people together with a common interest, why not,
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I am also in MA, and I'm happy to help. Feel free to DM me. If they give you issues, I recommend you file a police report. I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with this.
Thank you all for your kind offers to help here. Yes, that is the one sold 27.01.23. So far, the buyer has not responded to my mails to ship back and sending him the shipment funds . Will try to contact him in the next 2 days and make him aware of his actions. Legal point should be fairly clear; eBay string of messages. Bought. Paid. Want to return. Open a case. eBay decides for the buyer. eBay Timeline for return with inspection by me before refund, not to eBay's liking. Refunded and not obliged to ship back. Only bright spot here, that I did not sell him a vintage Maserati.... To keep for zero. Thanks again and updates to follow soon.
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Refunded and not obliged to ship back.

It seems very odd that eBay refunded the buyer with no obligation to return the item and it makes you wonder whose watch it is now from a legal standpoint.
It seems very odd that eBay refunded the buyer with no obligation to return the item and it makes you wonder whose watch it is now from a legal standpoint.

Legal standpoint would not have changed. eBay is only a Facilitator platform and denies any in depth involvement, because they do not see the merchandise ... eBay decisions have no legal standing outside eBay. That's only my understanding.... Buy something. Pay for it, get sent the item. You become the Owner. Don't like it later and open an eBay case = back to the platform. eBay decides for the buyer but eBay's short return timeline does not work, when international shipping with customs forms from other countries are involved. eBay says, that is a problem outside the platform and buyer and seller have to deal with it. If buyer does not comply with customs forms and does not have the original packaging anymore, which enables return without paying customs for your own, but now returned watch , that is not eBay's concern. They treat everybody as it was an USA intern problem. High value disputes worldwide are decided mostly in the USA with their rules. You can not comply the return dispute with the buyer, no questions asked. Refunded in full and buyer can keep the item from eBay's point of view. But that has no legal standing outside of the eBay platform.... Theft is Theft. No return the refunded item = wire fraud. Time to quit them for higher value selling and use only for buying. Unless you sell colourful Buttons.... And there seem to be a new generation buyers out there, who do not honour common sense behaviour / Trust and want everything for nothing in rorting any loopholes in a self entitlement way.
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Short update with the last mail to the "let`s say: Person" ::::::::::
Rocco Pizzarelli,no Reply to my return request mail.Ok.Update for you:Filed today Theft claim with Police here and will be transmitted to your local police station as a request for coop.I`m a retired Lawyer,BTW.Will do whatever it takes to get my Property back.Will pursue you with your Theft of my Property and next is filing for Wire Fraud with the FBI.I`m well connected with other international Collectors and 2 friends live within 45 minutes from you and will visit you at home for a personal exchange of the Omega Speedmaster, you stole from me.Alternatively the exchange will happen at your local police station for security.For the time being let`s label it as purchased,received,refunded,but not returned and therefore stolen Property.The Police will label you differently.I have 10 more emails with the Ebay high value management Team,that you do not know so far.Complete Timeline present.Whatever Ebay decides, has NO Legal Standing outside that facilitating platform.NO standing in the Real World with Courts,Laws,Police, FBI and the Theft/Wire Fraud Laws.Whatever comes next is your decision how you want your court time,Lawyers expenses to explain your Theft,future Credit History and more.The Theft/Wire Fraud claim stands, whatever you do with the Omega Speedmaster,you stole from me.Keep it,sell it,not paying for it...does not change the outcome.Only one way left for you.Hand over to my friends in person and they will forward to me in Australia.I give you their details when they see you.They will bring ID and they and you will sign a document,that the Omega was received in working condition and you fulfilled your obligation by Law and no further action will be taken.Your decision now.You have 48 hours from now on,to agree to return the Omega Speedmaster to persons of my choosing to avoid further Police action.Otherwise the Wire Fraud claim with the FBI will be lodged.Choose wisely.This will affect your Future.Achim K./watchyouwant.The Rightful Speedy Owner!
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Damn, shits getting real. And I thought this was going to be a “friendly” exchange lol. I ain’t going to “Rocco’s” house though. I’m sure he wouldn’t want to share his home address anyway. Public place, police station sounds good.
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Short update with the last mail to the "let`s say: Person" ::::::::::
Rocco Pizzarelli,no Reply to my return request mail.Ok.Update for you:Filed today Theft claim with Police here and will be transmitted to your local police station as a request for coop.I`m a retired Lawyer,BTW.Will do whatever it takes to get my Property back.Will pursue you with your Theft of my Property and next is filing for Wire Fraud with the FBI.I`m well connected with other international Collectors and 2 friends live within 45 minutes from you and will visit you at home for a personal exchange of the Omega Speedmaster, you stole from me.Alternatively the exchange will happen at your local police station for security.For the time being let`s label it as purchased,received,refunded,but not returned and therefore stolen Property.The Police will label you differently.I have 10 more emails with the Ebay high value management Team,that you do not know so far.Complete Timeline present.Whatever Ebay decides, has NO Legal Standing outside that facilitating platform.NO standing in the Real World with Courts,Laws,Police, FBI and the Theft/Wire Fraud Laws.Whatever comes next is your decision how you want your court time,Lawyers expenses to explain your Theft,future Credit History and more.The Theft/Wire Fraud claim stands, whatever you do with the Omega Speedmaster,you stole from me.Keep it,sell it,not paying for it...does not change the outcome.Only one way left for you.Hand over to my friends in person and they will forward to me in Australia.I give you their details when they see you.They will bring ID and they and you will sign a document,that the Omega was received in working condition and you fulfilled your obligation by Law and no further action will be taken.Your decision now.You have 48 hours from now on,to agree to return the Omega Speedmaster to persons of my choosing to avoid further Police action.Otherwise the Wire Fraud claim with the FBI will be lodged.Choose wisely.This will affect your Future.Achim K./watchyouwant.The Rightful Speedy Owner!

1) You don’t tug on Superman’s cape

2) You don’t spit into the wind

3) You don’t pull the mask of the ol’ Lone Ranger

4) And you don’t fuck around with Achim…
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