Any alternative solution to the impossible to find Flightmaster box?

Hi all,
I'm in love with my flightmaster 145.013ST but it's the only Omega in my collection at the moment without a proper red house 🙁
I know about the infamous one (pictured) but what is a commonly accepted alternative one a collector would be able to stand without passing out via an OCD crisis?
The right one is basically impossible to find, on forums, ebay, and the other classic ones.
Also, we all know that the vast majority of Vintage Speedies were sold with the red 1501box, but still..., a lot of them were also sold with a different box.

Thanks a lot!!!

Yea I get it when it comes to collecting but never got into packaging or papers. However I doubt the box you seek is desperately sought after, impossible to find and therefore priceless. If that were the case the Chinese would be stamping out hundreds of them a day like most other amazingly convincing watch boxes they make.
Check on the internet. There’s probably a forum for people who collect Omega watches. 😝

Seriously though. My friend is second generation jeweller. They have stuff in their store attic and basement from the 50s and 60s and once sold Omega. May be a starting point for you to check your local Ma and Pa jewelry store, especially if it’s older.