Another Rolex theft in London

The shootings in Portland are not being perpetrated by white meth heads.

Which is why I said most. But you get the main point 😉

Shootings are a mix, as is other violent crime. Homeless guys are getting killed as well as kids from stray gun fire from gangs. And from the news, it seems that most of the gun fire is not from immigrants.

We have our challenges here for sure. One of them we don't seem to have is getting our watches stolen so I guess there is that. (Although i did have a breakin years ago and lost a few.)

But crime seems to be an equal opportunity and unbiased employer.
Unfortunately, Rolex, Omega, Patek could not care less what happens to us

Exactly what would you want Rolex, Omega and Patek to do?
Just a heads-up guys: keep this thread civil - don't get too political etc, or it will be deleted by the mods.

...I have eleven likes in it and I am not about to have someone get those tossed into the bin 😁😁
Haha. True. I used to do some boxing. But I'm afraid a black belt taekwando dude would kick my ass.
On a street fight between a boxer and a black belt taekwondo fighter the taekwondo fighter does not stand chance. And I am a brown belt taekwondo fighter. Also happen to have a black belt in Shotokan Karate and Tae Jitsu and have been trained in boxing and some other fighting styles.....and I would probably still hand over the watch.

My point....taekwondo is not a street fighting art.
And....the fighter makes the fighter, not the style
And....the gun trumps the belt, every time.
And...I'm 50 and my joints are busted.

This said...if a 5ft naked takewondo black belt wants my watch he can go fυck himself.
Islington has the 4th highest rate of child poverty in the country. And also some of the most expensive properties in London.
Most children are poor. They're lazy and don't like to work. I assume therefore the ratio would be of poor parents? or poor households with children?

I don't know. Seems somewhat odd as a statistic to focus only on the Childs wealth.

Not wanting to start controversy, but I am tired of not being able to protect myself. And before everyone uses the standard answer that you might get killed if you resist, you also may get killed if you don't. Sadly I do not wear any watches of value unless I am going directly into and out of a safe place and I would gladly surrender a watch if accosted by muggers because it is usually a watch I can replace and it is not worth my life nor is it worth harm to someone with me. Also I carry one credit card, and some cash to help them leave me alone. Unfortunately this if the real world, and it isn't going to change soon unless we allow more surveillance by cameras, and have more street patrols in popular public spaces such as Berkeley Square. Sorry to hear this happened and hopefully the victim will heal from the injuries.
Yep. Totally the victims' fault.

When a pedestrian is struck by a drunk driver, it’s possible to both feel genuinely bad for the pedestrian and also note that one lesson to be learned is to not be a pedestrian that takes a sleeping bag into onto the highway for a nap.

Or didn’t you read the same story I did?

Exactly what would you want Rolex, Omega and Patek to do?
Rolex can bring back the lost and stolen register for starters.
On a street fight between a boxer and a black belt taekwondo fighter the taekwondo fighter does not stand chance.
You're totally right. I was trying to be modest. Of course I would fυck him up badly. Especially a 5 feet naked pygmy.

A fair amount of fearmongering going on and a few otherwise reasonable members acting like the end of the world is nearing. Add a few bits of unsightly xenophobism with some "the-youth-today" sprinkled on top. Lovely.

If it bleeds it leads!
A friend of mine was mugged in Monterey, Ca walking away from an ATM (cash machine for those abroad). Monterey is about as safe as safe can get.
The mugger asked for his wallet, and in the very cool way this guy always was, he asked the mugger if he could just surrender the cash as it’s a pain having to get a new driver’s license and such. The mugger thought for a second and said- “sure”. They both walked away from the transaction.
A cool head always prevails.
Most children are poor. They're lazy and don't like to work. I assume therefore the ratio would be of poor parents? or poor households with children?

I don't know. Seems somewhat odd as a statistic to focus only on the Childs wealth.


It is something that has been in constant conversation across the political spectrum for a number of years - as a measure of how bad it is possible for things to be.

And refers to the family unit having annual income less than 60 per cent of the median income in 2011 (£26,100). This means anyone receiving less than £15,660 per year is living in absolute poverty.

So that’s at least one parent, and one child, living in London for a year on less than the price of a grey market Daytona.

Islington, a London borough, has the 4th highest rate of child poverty in the country - so the person who said there is no poverty in the south/inside the M25, is incorrect.
Think it depends on your definition of poverty - if you have nothing to eat and/or no roof over you head you are poor in my world. And that can mean more or less than 60% of average income, I personally don't think this is a good measure.
Think it depends on your definition of poverty - if you have nothing to eat and/or no roof over you head you are poor in my world. And that can mean more or less than 60% of average income, I personally don't think this is a good measure.

If you have no roof over your head and nothing to eat, I would imagine the definition becomes "homeless".

My point in posting this was not to argue what "poverty" is, but to point out that person who said there was no poverty in the south/M25 area, is incorrect by the legal definitions of the country of which we are talking.

I've got no dog in this fight - but by legal definitions of the UK (not mine, or anyone else's), there is poverty inside the M25 (London).

I would hazard a guess, that the people who tried to mug this man for his Rolex were more likely an organised criminal gang, who as have been mentioned target certain wealthy areas of London/areas with expensive clubs/bars/restaurants, than someone living in poverty. :whipped:

The biggest questions for me out of all this are: Who names a restaurant "Sexy Fish"? And then who decides what a "Sexy Fish" is? And finally, who orders "Sexy Fish" for dinner?

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't like to think of my dinner as "Sexy". 😗
On a street fight between a boxer and a black belt taekwondo fighter the taekwondo fighter does not stand chance. And I am a brown belt taekwondo fighter. Also happen to have a black belt in Shotokan Karate and Tae Jitsu and have been trained in boxing and some other fighting styles.....and I would probably still hand over the watch.

My point....taekwondo is not a street fighting art.
And....the fighter makes the fighter, not the style
And....the gun trumps the belt, every time.
And...I'm 50 and my joints are busted.

This said...if a 5ft naked takewondo black belt wants my watch he can go fυck himself.
Lighten up dude. The point I was trying to make is: don't judge a book by it's cover. Just because someone is short doesn't mean they can't do you some damage. Defend yourself by all means if you're feeling confident. That's your right. But only you can judge the risks at the time.
Not wanting to start controversy

You do. Are you sure you really don't want to?

but I am tired of not being able to protect myself.

News for you: that's been the case for most of Humankind, for most of History. Or do you think your average middle age peasant did like Vikings razing his crops?

And before everyone uses the standard answer that you might get killed if you resist, you also may get killed if you don't.

You are right. You can also be killed in a car accident, with, or without your seat belt attached. Then there's that thing about percentages and forecasts.

Sadly I do not wear any watches of value unless I am going directly into and out of a safe place and I would gladly surrender a watch if accosted by muggers because it is usually a watch I can replace and it is not worth my life nor is it worth harm to someone with me. Also I carry one credit card, and some cash to help them leave me alone. Unfortunately this if the real world, and it isn't going to change soon unless we allow more surveillance by cameras, and have more street patrols in popular public spaces such as Berkeley Square. Sorry to hear this happened and hopefully the victim will heal from the injuries.

Yes. Because statistics demonstrate the harder the punishment the less delinquency, and that mass surveillance is never used against innocent population.

Nota bene:
I do agree that public exhibition of law enforcing agents has a possitive and direct impact on local violent delinquency levels -and that such an exhibition requires a proportional budgeting effort.