Another Rolex theft in London

Haha. If this 5ft tall naked robber happens to be a black belt in karate or taekwondo, he/she could still kick your butt! 😁
(Remember, the Terminator was naked too when he arrived in the 1980s and look what happened to the poor guy who refused to hand over his clothes...)
Haha. True. I used to do some boxing. But I'm afraid a black belt taekwando dude would kick my ass.
They are animals, shame on the Met for not getting involved, although its not surprising.
@ConElPueblo has pretty much said everything I’d have to contribute to the debate, but I can’t leave this quote uncommented.

I’m sorry you feel this way, but how exactly do you arrive at this conclusion? I‘m a bit puzzled - having to deal with these numbers for work, here’s what I know about my hometown Düsseldorf:

2.136.954 migrated to Germany. The highest number we’ve ever had.
Robbery: -11,79%
Theft: -2,80%

1.865.122 migrated to Germany. The 2nd highest number we’ve ever had.
Robbery: -14,85%
Theft: -13,96%

1.550.721 migrated to Germany
Robbery: -25,15%
Theft: -17,93%

1.585.112 migrated to Germany
Robbery: +5,38%. Note: Robberies in public spaces - the ones that are considered especially dangerous for the public and most relevant for the feeling of security is still down compared to the previous year.
Theft: -12,16%

1.558.612 migrated to Germany
Robbery: -9,91%
Theft: -4,78%

As others have noted, it might just be a bad idea to walk through empty streets in the middle of the night with a very expensive watch, no matter which city. I’m not saying the group in London had it coming and do feel sorry for them, don’t get me wrong. Personally, looking at actual numbers, I cannot see how migration has effected this, though, and falsely suggesting it might have is a dangerous endeavor.
Funny: just search: Polizei -any town or city- Presseportal and then look for "suedlaendisches Aussehen, dunkler Teint". Relax, no big search necessary. You will find lots of cases: robbery, sexual harrassment.... These statistics are made to keep the citizens calm. Many of the offenders have two passports, so the police counts a "german offender".
The following statistik ( BKA-Bundeslagebild „Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung 2020”)was deleted , last version:
Im Bereich der Straftaten gegen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung wurden 2.866 Deutsche Opfer einer Straftat mit mindestens einem tatverdächtigen Zuwanderer und somit zwölf Prozent weniger als im Vorjahr (2018: 3.261). Insgesamt waren 73 Prozent der Opfer von Sexualdelikten mit tatverdächtigen Zuwanderern deutsche Staatsangehörige.’

They are animals, shame on the Met for not getting involved, although its not surprising.

My wife used to work in Met Police despatch - once an like this incident is over it has little priority.

If the incident had been called in while it was in progress, then blue lights and urgent response would have seen police there in probably under three minutes - possibly less. If a knife was reported too, then armed police would have been automatically activated as well. Plenty of times a bystander will call in... not so likely on an empty street at 2am though.

It's all a manpower issue - the numbers of Police are far less than 10 years ago and staff turnover is higher too. I'm not a huge fan of the Met Police, but the simple fact is this is the result of a long period of budgetary and staffing cuts. If my safety depends on being aware of the environment vs. relying on the police, I know which option I prefer.
These statistics are made to keep the citizens calm.

These statistics come from the police - not exactly an institution known here to play down crime from people living here without a German passport.

Arguing an official statistic is false and referring to specific singular police reports leaves me no scientific basis on which to argue against your racism - so I’ll leave it at that.
Funny: just search: Polizei -any town or city- Presseportal and then look for "suedlaendisches Aussehen, dunkler Teint".

Linking to a newspaper whose editor in chief was "noted for using the phrase 'entartete' (degenerated, which has connotations to Nazi Germany) (Werkstatt der Kulturen), when describing a multi-ethnic cultural institution in Berlin" is not the look we aspire to here.

Especially as it has no connection to the discussion about a robbery in London.
I love my life more. Look, I've worked as a criminal lawyer for years in Amsterdam. If you would know my clients then you would know it would be absolutely stupid and absurd to fight over a watch with somebody who puts a gun to your head or a knife on your throat. There are some really dangerous people walking around searching for easy money. And believe me, taking a rolex of a random white and rich couple is real easy.

lord forgive me if for a second you thought I was not being sarcastic 👍
Linking to a newspaper whose editor in chief was "noted for using the phrase 'entartete' (degenerated, which has connotations to Nazi Germany) (Werkstatt der Kulturen), when describing a multi-ethnic cultural institution in Berlin" is not the look we aspire to here.

Especially as it has no connection to the discussion about a robbery in London.
The "Presseportal" is the official news- and information-site of German Police!
btw: facing the facts in G. , you will always be named as racist or Nazi. Thats the way, when arguments are missing.
I’ve found fewest troubles by wearing the watch on my left ankle, under thick wool socks. For added misdirection I’ll wear mismatched shoes, so nobody gets the idea to steal those but then while unlacing my trainers perchance notice my ankle watch.

I’ll take even further precautions if I’m leaving the house
I’ve found fewest troubles by wearing the watch on my left ankle, under thick wool socks. For added misdirection I’ll wear mismatched shoes, so nobody gets the idea to steal those but then while unlacing my trainers perchance notice my ankle watch.

I’ll take even further precautions if I’m leaving the house …
I pray you are never faced with a robbery situation. I fear if it does happen to you, your ego will be writing cheques your body can’t cash. Display your watch in good health if you want to.
The "Presseportal" is the official news- and information-site of German Police!
btw: facing the facts in G. , you will always be named as racist or Nazi. Thats the way, when arguments are missing.

You took a brief quote from Wikipedia about the newspaper you linked to as an accusation that you have racist or Nazi sympathies ?

The facts we are "facing" are the facts of an actual robbery in London... and there's no reporting about the assailants.

Points about German immigration are totally irrelevant, except if you're pushing your worldview. We tell people to take that stuff to Facebook and keep it out of here.
I pray you are never faced with a robbery situation. I fear if it does happen to you, your ego will be writing cheques your body can’t cash. Display your watch in good health if you want to.

Well, I also pray I don’t get in a car wreck and die but I take that chance every time I grab for the keys (several order of magnitudes more likely to injure me); and while I drive about, I further pray that I don’t get cancer and die sooner than statistics might allow me.

but meanwhile I’ll drive roughly the speed limit while wearing a seatbelt, live roughly clean but always in moderation, and I shall definitely not as a tourist walk in a city at 2 AM while drunk in dark empty streets and when confronted by three masked men do anything but keep my head towards the cement, takeoff my watch, my wallet, my shoes, and - if I’m wearing a hat it is well - hand it all over before proceeding to the fetal position.

But should I instead as a tourist get drunk, and proceeded to walk through the dark empty streets of the city alone at 2am in the morning, and three masked men approach me and I instead begin to attempt to fist fight them, alongside my my 5 foot 90 pound drunk wife begin trying the same in her drunkenness, I shall hope that it does not in the end affect whatsoever the way in which some bloke living in Texas looks upon his watch case for even a moment.
Am I the only one who comes out of a jewellers with my purchase in a Tesco (other supermarkets are available) carrier bag ?

Started doing this many years ago as I see no point in advertising that I may be carrying something valuable.

2006 a jewellery store wouldn’t let me in because I didn’t look the goods. Don’t think they liked my rugby tracksuit pants

Bought a Tag Monaco a few towns away and dropped back to show them the bag. Wrote to the owner who was a member of the the state rugby club I played for which was interesting…..
I agree with many of your points, but we don’t have any ‘real’ poverty; certainly not in the South and M25.

Islington has the 4th highest rate of child poverty in the country. And also some of the most expensive properties in London.
Well, I also pray I don’t get in a car wreck and die but I take that chance every time I grab for the keys (several order of magnitudes more likely to injure me); and while I drive about, I further pray that I don’t get cancer and die sooner than statistics might allow me.

but meanwhile I’ll drive roughly the speed limit while wearing a seatbelt, live roughly clean but always in moderation, and I shall definitely not as a tourist walk in a city at 2 AM while drunk in dark empty streets and when confronted by three masked men do anything but keep my head towards the cement, takeoff my watch, my wallet, my shoes, and - if I’m wearing a hat it is well - hand it all over before proceeding to the fetal position.

But should I instead as a tourist get drunk, and proceeded to walk through the dark empty streets of the city alone at 2am in the morning, and three masked men approach me and I instead begin to attempt to fist fight them, alongside my my 5 foot 90 pound drunk wife begin trying the same in her drunkenness, I shall hope that it does not in the end affect whatsoever the way in which some bloke living in Texas looks upon his watch case for even a moment.
Just wear your watch under a shirt cuff or pullover, don’t bring attention to yourself. Your probability be ok. Try not to worry or have nightmares.
lord forgive me if for a second you thought I was not being sarcastic 👍
Oh. Haha. Sorry. Missed that!
Is this a case for wearing a fake of one you actually own ?

So you want to get assaulted for a fake, instead of for a real watch? Sorry, not seeing the logic here...
My wife used to work in Met Police despatch - once an like this incident is over it has little priority.

If the incident had been called in while it was in progress, then blue lights and urgent response would have seen police there in probably under three minutes - possibly less. If a knife was reported too, then armed police would have been automatically activated as well. Plenty of times a bystander will call in... not so likely on an empty street at 2am though.

It's all a manpower issue - the numbers of Police are far less than 10 years ago and staff turnover is higher too. I'm not a huge fan of the Met Police, but the simple fact is this is the result of a long period of budgetary and staffing cuts. If my safety depends on being aware of the environment vs. relying on the police, I know which option I prefer.

It's also a white privilege knee-jerk response, to think that the police are always there to help or save me.

Just saying.
Seeing a lot of revenge fantasies in this thread, plus a little acting out.

But back in the real & actual world of this incident, a group of middle aged out of towners were walking down a street which is usually deserted at that time of night & very near some very expensive nightclubs. It's exactly where muggers might be expected. Stabbings are not uncommon in these situations.

They decided to take a 20 minute walk to their hotel in a street where I would be very vigilant. Unsurprisingly, they were unable to defend themselves. Unarmed older people fighting back during a street robbery is not smart.

It might be provocative to some of us to accept we can't fight off gangs of younger, stronger & possibly armed assailants, but there's no point in shouting at clouds over that. I feel really sorry for these people, but a bit more forethought would have seen them safely back in their hotel after a lovely evening out enjoying their wealth.

If there's a lesson here, it's that crime exists in cities (not a revelation) and that a little personal responsibility can keep our us & our beautiful possessions away from trouble. Everything else is just getting angry with other people for not being how we want them to be.
Yep. Totally the victims' fault.
The "Presseportal" is the official news- and information-site of German Police!
btw: facing the facts in G. , you will always be named as racist or Nazi. Thats the way, when arguments are missing.

Don't visit Portland if you fear Berlin (or maybe do if you want to escape immigrant crime.) Most of our crime is from white US born meth heads. Of course, the merchandise of choice are catylitic converters and not watches.

I'm not a bible believer but since the first crime was against god by the first humans and the second crime was against humans by the second generation, isn't that saying something about human nature?
Don't visit Portland if you fear Berlin (or maybe do if you want to escape immigrant crime.) Most of our crime is from white US born meth heads. Of course, the merchandise of choice are catylitic converters and not watches.

I'm not a bible believer but since the first crime was against god by the first humans and the second crime was against humans by the second generation, isn't that saying something about human nature?
The shootings in Portland are not being perpetrated by white meth heads.