Another Rolex theft in London

Thanks for reminding us to be aware. But being aware only goes so far. I doubt this couple could have done anything differently to defend themselves against these shitbags.

The thieves knew enough to recognize the watch so they are probably educated and middle class. We probably shouldn't make assumptions.
Thanks for reminding us to be aware. But being aware only goes so far. I doubt this couple could have done anything differently to defend themselves against these shitbags.

The thieves knew enough to recognize the watch so they are probably educated and middle class. We probably shouldn't make assumptions.

Agree we shouldn't make assumptions about the background of these crooks. But Rolex is the number one watch brand in the world with regards to brand recognition, by a long way. Even the less well educated know that a Rolex is worth big dollars and can be easily converted to cash.

I was once quite keen on getting a GMT Master as a travel watch, but stories like this are making me think twice. Kinda defeats the purpose if there's parts of the world where it could get you mugged or killed.
Seeing a lot of revenge fantasies in this thread, plus a little acting out.

But back in the real & actual world of this incident, a group of middle aged out of towners were walking down a street which is usually deserted at that time of night & very near some very expensive nightclubs. It's exactly where muggers might be expected. Stabbings are not uncommon in these situations.

They decided to take a 20 minute walk to their hotel in a street where I would be very vigilant. Unsurprisingly, they were unable to defend themselves. Unarmed older people fighting back during a street robbery is not smart.

It might be provocative to some of us to accept we can't fight off gangs of younger, stronger & possibly armed assailants, but there's no point in shouting at clouds over that. I feel really sorry for these people, but a bit more forethought would have seen them safely back in their hotel after a lovely evening out enjoying their wealth.

If there's a lesson here, it's that crime exists in cities (not a revelation) and that a little personal responsibility can keep our us & our beautiful possessions away from trouble. Everything else is just getting angry with other people for not being how we want them to be.
not surprising these incidences are going to rise as procuring a retail rollie is increasingly being likened to striking the lottery
OK, as a Londoner I can say - this is by no means a sketchy area in London - quite the reverse. It's Mayfair, a prime zone for wealthy people out at night.

Also, that a rant list of parental blame & declining cultural values or whatever, will also need to recognise some pretty bad rates of poverty & child poverty in the UK and reduced life expectancy in deprived areas due to health underfunding.

These were out of towners taking a walk in a rich area at a deserted time of night. That's not something I like to do in London or any other City, whether I'm familiar with it or not. A bit of sensible precaution, like calling an Uber to get back to the hotel after dinner, would have kept these people out of harm's way. Their hotel is quite a walk from where they were.

Let's not get carried away with the rhetoric.
I agree with many of your points, but we don’t have any ‘real’ poverty; certainly not in the South and M25. It’s high-gain and low risk sadly. The violence is very often dished out by a new recruit as a way into the gang. Can I add it’s also not new. My father was marked and followed out of Soho in the 90s and violently mugged along with many others. At that time the police had a huge crackdown as it was starting to make the news and thought to deter tourism.
Take for example this thread itself…


A fair amount of fearmongering going on and a few otherwise reasonable members acting like the end of the world is nearing. Add a few bits of unsightly xenophobism with some "the-youth-today" sprinkled on top. Lovely.
This is why I sold my OP39, my sub that has never been worn lives in a bank safe and is there only as prices keep going up. I don’t like dive watches or any watch with numbers on the bezel, I only got it due to utube peer pressure. I wear an Omega that no one knows is an Omega unless they look at it close up. Years ago I daily had a date just 2 silver dial smooth bezel, I always liked dress watches. Back in 2012 to 2017 you could buy a Rolex, insure it and if 5k was robbed ok. Now the hype has risen to over 10k on the wrist, to much for me. I have always insured and worn watches under clothes, worn good quality but modest clothes and I drive a two year old Toyota. If I go to an expensive place I leave watch at home. sad state of affairs, I should feel comfortable to wear my watch with short sleeves, but I don’t. People think it will not happen to me and they display the watch like a badge of honour. Unfortunately, Rolex, Omega, Patek could not care less what happens to us. It just means the public want the brand more, criminals now target people in seaside towns in the uk places such as golf clubs etc.. We even had a case of someone being followed home from a supermarket, because they displayed a Explorer one.
Is this a case for wearing a fake of one you actually own ?
A few years ago I was buying upmarket tiles for a house I was building, the owner of the store was wearing a Patek 3970, I asked him about it. He said his father gave it to him,he didn't offer it for me see properly and I am almost certain it was fake.
I spend a few nights a week travelling up to London and using the transport network to get across town to my digs. As a result I am often on tubes and buses at quiet periods at nightime and have found myself removing even modest watches with oyster and jubilee bracelets in case they get mistaken for a Rolex. There have been two high profile murders in London within the last few years where Rolex watches have been targeted. One in the Greenwich area of London and another next to Harrods in Knightsbridge.
I spend a few nights a week travelling up to London and using the transport network to get across town to my digs. As a result I am often on tubes and buses at quiet periods at nightime and have found myself removing even modest watches with oyster and jubilee bracelets in case they get mistaken for a Rolex. There have been two high profile murders in London within the last few years where Rolex watches have been targeted. One in the Greenwich area of London and another next to Harrods in Knightsbridge.
The only watches I wear openly is my Citizen and G Shock. If I put a colour ful strap I hide it, just in case it looks like something it is not. Sadly, in New York posh restaurant area someone was shot in the leg for their watch. In the UK, quiet towns are targeted by women who pretend to work for a charity. They ask to shake your hand and steal watch without you knowing. Sometimes these people try to creat a distraction. If someone asks you the time, say I don’t know or give estimate and keep walking. Also beware of Apple Watch theft.

A fair amount of fearmongering going on and a few otherwise reasonable members acting like the end of the world is nearing. Add a few bits of unsightly xenophobism with some "the-youth-today" sprinkled on top. Lovely.

Just be discreet, out of sight out of mind and have it insured.
Just be discreet, out of sight out of mind and have it insured.

I’ve found fewest troubles by wearing the watch on my left ankle, under thick wool socks. For added misdirection I’ll wear mismatched shoes, so nobody gets the idea to steal those but then while unlacing my trainers perchance notice my ankle watch.

I’ll take even further precautions if I’m leaving the house …
Am I the only one who comes out of a jewellers with my purchase in a Tesco (other supermarkets are available) carrier bag ?

Started doing this many years ago as I see no point in advertising that I may be carrying something valuable.
"weekly events" nowadays in Germany since 2015 (and before - "open borders - refugees welcome"):; Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf.

@ConElPueblo has pretty much said everything I’d have to contribute to the debate, but I can’t leave this quote uncommented.

I’m sorry you feel this way, but how exactly do you arrive at this conclusion? I‘m a bit puzzled - having to deal with these numbers for work, here’s what I know about my hometown Düsseldorf:

2.136.954 migrated to Germany. The highest number we’ve ever had.
Robbery: -11,79%
Theft: -2,80%

1.865.122 migrated to Germany. The 2nd highest number we’ve ever had.
Robbery: -14,85%
Theft: -13,96%

1.550.721 migrated to Germany
Robbery: -25,15%
Theft: -17,93%

1.585.112 migrated to Germany
Robbery: +5,38%. Note: Robberies in public spaces - the ones that are considered especially dangerous for the public and most relevant for the feeling of security is still down compared to the previous year.
Theft: -12,16%

1.558.612 migrated to Germany
Robbery: -9,91%
Theft: -4,78%

As others have noted, it might just be a bad idea to walk through empty streets in the middle of the night with a very expensive watch, no matter which city. I’m not saying the group in London had it coming and do feel sorry for them, don’t get me wrong. Personally, looking at actual numbers, I cannot see how migration has effected this, though, and falsely suggesting it might have is a dangerous endeavor.
but we don’t have any ‘real’ poverty; certainly not in the South and M25.

I was in Hackney last night & not sure I totally agree with that, but completely agree about the gang initiations and that this generally isn't some brand new problem. Even in the OP's story, the police weren't seeing it as a high priority or unusual event.
To be honest, if I was robbed by a group of guys in the middle of the night, I would gladly hand over my Rolex and congratulate them on the loot. Not a hair on my mind that I would fight for a watch (let alone put my partner in danger). Only if the robber was five feet and naked (so I can see he's not carrying any weapons) would I consider going into a fight.
To be honest, if I was robbed by a group of guys in the middle of the night, I would gladly hand over my Rolex and congratulate them on the loot. Not a hair on my mind that I would fight for a watch (let alone put my partner in danger). Only if the robber was five feet and naked (so I can see he's not carrying any weapons) would I consider going into a fight.
Haha. If this 5ft tall naked robber happens to be a black belt in karate or taekwondo, he/she could still kick your butt! 😁
(Remember, the Terminator was naked too when he arrived in the 1980s and look what happened to the poor guy who refused to hand over his clothes...)
To be honest, if I was robbed by a group of guys in the middle of the night, I would gladly hand over my Rolex and congratulate them on the loot. Not a hair on my mind that I would fight for a watch (let alone put my partner in danger). Only if the robber was five feet and naked (so I can see he's not carrying any weapons) would I consider going into a fight.

You must not really love your watch.

Not like the couple in this story, who got to keep their Submariner for a rate of around $1,000 per stitch.

Walking home at 2am, decide to “fight back” as a 5’ woman, sustains head injury that results in remarkable bleeding … sure sounds possible there was a lot of “liquid courage” involved in this walk home (alcohol + head injuries are notorious bleeders)
You must not really love your watch.
I love my life more. Look, I've worked as a criminal lawyer for years in Amsterdam. If you would know my clients then you would know it would be absolutely stupid and absurd to fight over a watch with somebody who puts a gun to your head or a knife on your throat. There are some really dangerous people walking around searching for easy money. And believe me, taking a rolex of a random white and rich couple is real easy.