Another Rolex theft in London

Street crime is on the rise in many larger cities, you have to maintain awareness of your surroundings, he was probably targeted in the restaurant/club. A shame.
THIS ….is why I’m irritated at Rolex and the media coverage of their “shortage”. Hope she recovers.
They were walking with two friends why did the two friends jump in his wife had more guts. Sucks this happens. Glad I live in the boondocks in Montana we’re some people still leave there doors unlocked still lock mine since I lived in cities were thief’s live did have my car broken into twice when I lived in the Bay Area. But when I travel I wear a unknown vintage brand to most thief’s would look twice at and not bother me.
Of all the entities to get irritated at in this situation: the worthless subhuman thugs, their insufficient parents, a declining culture, a government running a revolving door justice system, a nation that empowers violent criminality by ensuring under force of law that resisting violent criminals is itself criminalized, a city with insufficient law enforcement, etc.; choosing to be upset with a watch company for their production issues seems rather silly. It’s more logical to fault the fools chasing prestige with such a passion that they have driven the price of a mass-produced commodity watch to several times it’s honest value.
Of all the entities to get irritated at in this situation: the worthless subhuman thugs, their insufficient parents, a declining culture, a government running a revolving door justice system, a nation that empowers violent criminality by ensuring under force of law that resisting violent criminals is itself criminalized, a city with insufficient law enforcement, etc.; choosing to be upset with a watch company for their production issues seems rather silly. It’s more logical to fault the fools chasing prestige with such a passion that they have driven the price of a mass-produced commodity watch to several times it’s honest value.
Fair points. It has never been a good idea to flash a Rolex in sketchy areas. Problem is the definition of sketchy has expanded. I have always carried a Timex with me when I travel. It seems, however that I can’t look at a major news publisher anymore without tripping over an article on the red hot watch market and Rolex in particular.
.... a declining culture, a government running a revolving door justice system, a nation that empowers violent criminality by ensuring under force of law that resisting violent criminals is itself criminalized, a city with insufficient law enforcement......

= los angeles definitively, not sure about other parts of the world
OK, as a Londoner I can say - this is by no means a sketchy area in London - quite the reverse. It's Mayfair, a prime zone for wealthy people out at night.

Also, that a rant list of parental blame & declining cultural values or whatever, will also need to recognise some pretty bad rates of poverty & child poverty in the UK and reduced life expectancy in deprived areas due to health underfunding.

These were out of towners taking a walk in a rich area at a deserted time of night. That's not something I like to do in London or any other City, whether I'm familiar with it or not. A bit of sensible precaution, like calling an Uber to get back to the hotel after dinner, would have kept these people out of harm's way. Their hotel is quite a walk from where they were.

Let's not get carried away with the rhetoric.
"weekly events" nowadays in Germany since 2015 (and before - "open borders - refugees welcome"):; Berlin, Munich, Dusseldorf. Stolen through car-windows on the street (scooter with no plates) or with a certain skill by asking for help or small amount of money - as known from Rome or Barcelone... Here at St Tropez now they installed a tarsk-force to get back stolen R.M. or Pateks.
Always the same kind of people - I don't let them approach me.
When you live in a big city you should always be aware about your surrounding. I developed a eye for this, because I grew up in a city with crime. Although it could happen to me as well of course. But I'm not really surprised if I get mugged when I walk around with £ 10.000 in my hand. Sadly this is the reality we live in.

Funny thing is, I always feel save in cities. The only time when I'm on my guard is when I'm in nature and it's really quiet.
When you live in a big city you should always be aware about your surrounding. I developed a eye for this, because I grew up in a city with crime. Although it could happen to me as well of course. But I'm not really surprised if I get mugged when I walk around with £ 10.000 in my hand. Sadly this is the reality we live in.

Funny thing is, I always feel save in cities. The only time when I'm on my guard is when I'm in nature and it's really quiet.
Same- grew up in cities all my life, there is a common sense about where and when you go places and what you wear.
The most terrifying confrontation I have ever had was with a black bear and it’s cub in the middle of the woods….would gladly have given up my watch.
Such a shame you can’t wear what watch you want to and be safe. Particular issue when wearing short sleeves.
My fathers rule of always be home by Cinderella o’clock.

Nothing good happens on the streets after midnight.
Nothing good happens on the streets after midnight.
Well. I remember a couple of nights in the summer on the streets I would'nt want to have missed. :D
I had a Rolex wrenched off my wrist in broad daylight in Naples a few years ago, and chased the guy, but ended up in Naples ER for some patching up.

I was angry - not the least bit philosophical about the causes of urban crime. For some time after, I had a recurring fantasy of getting a fake Rolex, removing its movement, and having a specialised friend fill the space with plastique and a battery powered miniaturised remote firing device. Nonsense of course, but dreaming about it made me feel a little better.
Also, that a rant list of parental blame & declining cultural values or whatever, will also need to recognise some pretty bad rates of poverty & child poverty in the UK and reduced life expectancy in deprived areas due to health underfunding.

Of course they're poor and underfunded, mommy didn't love them, they have all rights to punch 50+ woman in the face.
I had a Rolex wrenched off my wrist in broad daylight in Naples a few years ago, and chased the guy, but ended up in Naples ER for some patching up.

I was angry - not the least bit philosophical about the causes of urban crime. For some time after, I had a recurring fantasy of getting a fake Rolex, removing its movement, and having a specialised friend fill the space with plastique and a battery powered miniaturised remote firing device. Nonsense of course, but dreaming about it made me feel a little better.
We have a problem with car break-ins in my area- I have even seen these guys walking through the neighborhood at 3am pulling in door handles and peering inside (the joys of being insomniac and a smoker- lots of porch time in the dark).
I mentioned to a police officer about booby trapping the car (razor blades under the door handle or a power line wired to it) and he said that as much as he would love to see that, they could sue me for their injuries and I could get arrested for harming them. Lovely.
Let's not get carried away with the rhetoric.

To say nothing of the fact that, even with the recent pandemic-correlated uptick in crime, overall crime rates are still FAR lower than they were in the 90’s and about near or still below what they were in the early 60’s

(On second thought, while I know this to be true in North America, I don’t have firsthand knowledge of this in the UK, but I would be surprised to find it a far different story)
To say nothing of the fact that, even with the recent pandemic-correlated uptick in crime, overall crime rates are still FAR lower than they were in the 90’s and about near or still below what they were in the early 60’s
It's not the CURRENT crime rates that are the important statistic, it's the TREND. And the trend is not good. Quality of life in many cities is deteriorating. It starts small, then grows into more serious issues.
It's not the CURRENT crime rates that are the important statistic, it's the TREND.

Funny, I never hear people saying, “back in the good ‘ole days, crime was higher than ever but on a downward trend.”

And the trend is not good. Quality of life in many cities is deteriorating. It starts small, then grows into more serious issues.

We all agree less crime is better than more crime.

But that’s essentially unrelated to whether people perceive things to be worse today than back in “the good ‘ole days” despite the opposite being demonstrably true for almost anyone born since the 1950’s.

But what has changed significantly since the 1950’s? The extent and tone of media coverage of crime.

Here’s just one demonstrably true piece of data that should blow your mind: From 1993 to 1996, U.S. the national murder rate dropped by 20%, but during the same period, stories about murders on the ABC, NBC, and CBS network newscasts rose by 721%.

More broadly, people have become ravenous for news about crime since the 1950’s, and media has both accommodated and globalized.

Take for example this thread itself…