·Very nice story, wife and watch..... enjoy
Amazing watch, though I don't think I cold live with the NATO all the time - a deployant at least would be nice for that sort of money.
Amazing watch, though I don't think I cold live with the NATO all the time - a deployant at least would be nice for that sort of money.
*Warning! Word and Pic Heavy!!*
Last weekend, my wife and I headed out of town for a long weekend. We set our sites on visiting some good friends in a nearby city and set ourselves up in a nice posh hotel in downtown. Knowingly, there is an established Omega AD only two blocks away from where we were staying. I had been looking forward to spending a lengthy and enjoyable time window shopping in the store as a rare treat (there are no ADs in our home city).
We were inside the store, first customers of the morning, right upon opening. As I made a bee line straight to the Omega display, I was eyeing various models to see and try on for size. Admittedly, I had no interest in purchasing anything, as I have already made two big ticket watch purchases earlier this year.
A very nice salesman came over right away, greeted my wife and I, and then began pulling out various models for me to see.
The Sedna FOIS was a stunner. Certainly one you need to see in person to really appreciate!
Of course one must always stop and appreciate the modern Speedy:
The new Seamaster META is no slouch! Quite comfortable on the wrist despite it's larger size and thickness
Then there was the last watch I had asked to have pulled out. While I had seen pictures and enjoyed the look, never had I seen one in the flesh, nor thought I would. A brand new Speedmaster 45th Anniversary Apollo 11:
This...this was love at first sight! A second attendant was required to wipe the drool from my face before I could go running and blubbering to my wife about my find!
Of course, I was not anticipating a new purchase, and I do not enjoy sleeping on the couch. So, while love was in the air, I told my wife we could leave and chat about it. Make sure we were both comfortable with the buy before pulling the trigger. The friendly salesman said he would set it aside for the day and await our return.
After a couple more hours of walking and shopping, the watch never left my mind. I knew that this was no impulse purchase. My wife agreed but she had a manicure/pedicure appointment she needed to make prior to us returning to the AD.
Fast forward to post mani/pedi, we strolled back into the AD with a huge smile on my face with anticipation. Up to the counter I went and saw the same salesman making his way over. I immediately said "I'm ready to make the buy!"
To which he replied "I am so very sorry. Another salesman sold the watch earlier this afternoon to another client. I feel terrible but couldn't do anything. No deposit was put down."
My jaw dropped. I responded "Seriously? No mention of a deposit was spoken. Well that really sucks." Then said fair well. Immediately knowing that I would not ever return.
As my wife and I walked around the city, she kept apologizing. Saying that she blames herself for wanting to "get her nails done" and do other shopping before returning to the watch store. I assured her that she was at no fault. I was aghast at the behavior from this AD but that is of no fault of her own. My loss was chalked up to crappy luck and back to our hotel we went.
Upon entering our room, there was something different than before we had left...
For the second time that day I was floored! I turn to my wife to see an enormous smile spread across her face. "I couldn't help it and pass up the opportunity to pull one over on you" she said. "I was the other client!" she exclaimed.
Apparently, she ran to her nails appointment, convinced the tech to wait for her, and sprinted over the the AD. Strolled in and informed them of her demands. She purchased the watch along with having them toss in some other goodies. Most importantly to her, she required the salesman be in on the conspiracy. He immediately begged not to be made to go through with it. However, the shop owner had been listening, loved the idea, and insisted he follow her lead. Agreement having been struck, she then ran back to the hotel, had the hotel manager sign for the items and hold them in the hotel safe. To be delivered to the room once I had left and she gave the go ahead.
Laying out the bounty:
The grand opening:
And even a personalized note from the salesman!
Of course we returned to the scene of the crime so that I could thank Sam and the rest of the staff for a fun bit of events. All the staff were laughing, congratulating, and shaking our hands.
Glamour shots:
If any of you end up in Portland, OR make sure to stop by this most fantastic AD and know you will receive the best of service! I know I will be back for more 😀
I'm guessing that's one of the extras they included (for 'free'). I understand AD's will include a winder for some purchases.
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