I take your point about confusing information, however my email yesterday direct from Omega only concerned the Speedmaster, since that is my primary interest the other two are lovely but I couldn't have all three!
There is a post on the other thread from
@Meanjohnbrown on the 29th July and his information from the OB at Bluewater UK was for September/ October delivery although this looks like it was for all three, so still not clear.
So far it appears that two watches have been delivered, I won't be expecting mine anytime soon unless we start hearing of multiple deliveries.
Regarding the conversation on deposits, I ordered a Speedmaster from my AD in March and no deposit was asked for until June when I paid £1k which I thought was reasonable to confirm my intention to buy. They had other people asking for them and had just had their allocation cut so this was understandable. What I do find difficult to get my head around is the 100% upfront which seems to have happened at the OB's, particularly in the USA.
Just seen
@blokk picture, who knows what's going on?