3861 Hour Hand Subdial Alignment ... should I send it back?

Ok - so having read a few of the threads here (I might need to improve my search terms) I checked and have now noted that my 3861 subdial hour hand is not fully aligned at 12 (It has not had any wrist time yet / long story). I got the watch from a UK AD in May.

I have tried different 'reset' patterns but it stays the same.

I have a few chronographs (most obvious suspects also pictured below) and I am happy with how they all line up and scan... So it is just my new 3861 now bugging the hell out of my OCD side...

So should I learn to live with it as a quirk of the watch or send it back for adjustment?

I am struggling with it for some reason. aside from this minor point the watch has worked well abd I was very happy with it (noting limited use so far - but that is due to change / planned this as a daily).

I need a push on what to do for the best....
