··So on and so on and scoobie doobie dooPlease wait until 2025 to post. I am trying not to buy anymore this year.
Well, either way you've just blown your "Oops, I didn't see your post" excuse...
I'd go ahead, if the other one sells, you've lost at least one potential buyer from the pool.
Once I've agreed a price with someone I honor that 'contract'. Issues can arise when a potential buyer is asking questions and proposing offers that I'm rejecting and another buyer pops up who offers the asking or an acceptable offer. In that scenario I work on the principle that no deal has yet been struck and so if I haven't agreed a price with buyer 1, the watch is still available for buyer 2 to offer on.
This is why when I'm making an offer i generally say things like, "hi, is the watch still available? If so, I'll take it at your asking price", or "would £x be acceptable? If so, I'll take it".
At the other end of the spectrum I've had people offer me more than my asking price if I cancel an agreed sale to sell to them instead. I reject these as it's my fault for getting the price 'wrong'.
That's a pure gentleman at work, fair play to you not many left. That's the correct way to do business.