··Home For Wayward WatchesEnded up being a Lemania weekend. Youngest son and wife came in for the weekend. This morning was church then a nice family lunch together.
Later in the afternoon we went to the local gun club range. Our son got in some practice with some 1911s, one of his and one of mine. His job requires him to be armed. I couldn't even manage a small light Colt Model 1903 .32 pistol as I've had recent shoulder surgery. An attempt to shoot the little Colt was a bust.
Later in the afternoon we went to the local gun club range. Our son got in some practice with some 1911s, one of his and one of mine. His job requires him to be armed. I couldn't even manage a small light Colt Model 1903 .32 pistol as I've had recent shoulder surgery. An attempt to shoot the little Colt was a bust.