Posts 4,524 Likes 62,523 CPRwatch ·Jun 16, 2020 I should wear this more often and not just on a Tuesday ,
Posts 572 Likes 754 Stripey ·Jun 16, 2020 Sadly it seems like these guys weren't successful, as their website hasn't been updated in a year, and neither has their social media, but I'm very glad to have got one of these. After the Apollo 8, it's the watch I get asked most about.
Posts 249 Likes 1,834 simomega ·Jun 16, 2020 Just arrived this morning! thanks @Tet for the link to the eBay listing!
Posts 1,686 Likes 5,121 Tet ·Jun 16, 2020 simomega Just arrived this morning! thanks @Tet for the link to the eBay listing! Hey no problem, really pleased you were able to pick it up. That was a great buy! While I'm here, this for me today.....
D Posts 5 Likes 99 diego750 ·Jun 16, 2020 This is the first time I’ve really loved the look of a NATO on one of my watches...