Would dial on this 18k gold constellation also be solid 18k?


I am more of a lurker than one that posts as I usually find most answers in older posts, but this time I hit a dead end!

Someone I know posted me a photo of this 18k Omega Constellation asking me if I were interested in a trade and I vaguely recall from an older thread that referenced this particular model (14393) that the dial with this colour was also solid gold! I searched several days for that thread but had no luck finding it, so hopefully it might be worth revisiting this topic.

Without dismantling the dial from the mechanism to look at the hallmarks, is there anything in particular about these models apart from the colour that would tell you that dial is also solid gold or were these models also offered with dials lacquered in that same color and need to have the dial removed to be certain. I have noticed that even on ebay sellers of these models with this particular colour claim dials to be 18k gold or perhaps just assume it to be the case! Would appreciate any information with thanks!😀
Without dismantling the dial from the mechanism to look at the hallmarks, is there anything in particular about these models apart from the colour that would tell you that dial is also solid gold…
No. The only way to know for sure is to find a hallmark on the back of the dial. Even then, a gold content test would be recommended.

Later versions had “OM” (Or Massif = Solid Gold) printed on the dial, but there are known fakes.
I am unable to answer your question, but I think the thread you are looking for can be found if you search for or massif dials ( French for gold alloy, or solid gold alloy).
I had an Omega Constellation 18ct Solid gold for sale recently here on this forum and was informed that the dial was also solid 18ct gold. They found this from the watch reference on the case back. The reference on mine was 168.5004 as opposed to an 18ct Solid Gold 168.004 that does not have a solid gold dial. The 5 indicates the solid gold dial.
Sorry but just noticed that the reference 168.004 is not solid gold.
I had an Omega Constellation 18ct Solid gold for sale recently here on this forum and was informed that the dial was also solid 18ct gold. They found this from the watch reference on the case back. The reference on mine was 168.5004 as opposed to an 18ct Solid Gold 168.004 that does not have a solid gold dial. The 5 indicates the solid gold dial.

Not quite, Peter
the 5 in 168.5004 is for an English cased gold watch
the .004 in 168.5004 is the style of case (Swiss cased would be 168.004 and could be SS gold-capped or solid gold)

A gold dialled Swiss 168.004 would generally have 168.004/14 inside the inner rear case, the 14 denoting a gold dial (a deluxe constellation)
Thanks for the reply. Do you think that my Constellation would have a solid gold dial or again would it be necessary to see the actual marks on the dial. Sorry to jump in on this thread but hopefully the answer might suit the original question also.

I am more of a lurker than one that posts as I usually find most answers in older posts, but this time I hit a dead end!

Someone I know posted me a photo of this 18k Omega Constellation asking me if I were interested in a trade and I vaguely recall from an older thread that referenced this particular model (14393) that the dial with this colour was also solid gold! I searched several days for that thread but had no luck finding it, so hopefully it might be worth revisiting this topic.

Without dismantling the dial from the mechanism to look at the hallmarks, is there anything in particular about these models apart from the colour that would tell you that dial is also solid gold or were these models also offered with dials lacquered in that same color and need to have the dial removed to be certain. I have noticed that even on ebay sellers of these models with this particular colour claim dials to be 18k gold or perhaps just assume it to be the case! Would appreciate any information with thanks!😀

Gold dialled 'deluxe' constellations generally have the wide flat onyx inserts.
This one appears to have the usual narrower prismatic onyx inserts
However, as @gatorcpa says, the only way too be absolutely sure is to look at the back of the dial which would be marked if it is gold

here is a deluxe 14381 for comparison
Thanks for the reply. Do you think that my Constellation would have a solid gold dial or again would it be necessary to see the actual marks on the dial. Sorry to jump in on this thread but hopefully the answer might suit the original question also.

from memory, I think yours was a deluxe constellation, with a gold dial
Normally, we look at the large onyx inserts to tell the dial material if it is 18k or not. That applies to pie pan dials but not always correct with dome dials.
On some 18k dome dials, Omega used small inserts, too.
On your dial, if I have to guess, I would say it is (80% sure) 18k by looking at the grain on the dial and the date ring colour.
But removing the dial and testing the alloy content is highly recommended.
the watch you show does look like a gold dial, however, if you are trading or buying please note that the case and lugs are quite well polished and have lost their sharp edges and this should be reflected in the trade/purchase price.
Many thanks for your very helpful and polite responses and sharing a wealth of information!

I understand that many cases and dials would be counterfeited and my enquiry was more so directed to if the omega company would have made a dial that was not solid gold that appeared to be visually indistinguishable from the one in the photo!

Regarding other reference numbers, I received further information from the owner of the watch in the following image
Thanks again!
Unfortunately, gold cased watches often had double references as they were used for ‘standard’ gold watches as well as deluxe watches.
14393 is the standard reference.
14394 would be the deluxe reference.
Although, for ease, I referenced mine above as a 14381 it is actually a 14382 deluxe.