The only customer profiling most watchmakers do is to weed out the people who have demonstrated that they might be a pain in the arse to deal with.
All the projecting of potential evils being done by watchmakers in this thread is something that we don't have time for, because we have far more work being offered to us than we could ever actually do. This means that if I don't reject your watch outright and give you a price (meaning I have a spot for your watch in my schedule), if it's more than you want to pay, so be it - there are 5 others lined up behind you who are grateful to take your spot right away.
So you can employ all these strategies you have listed in this thread all you want, but other than making you feel better it's not going to change anything when it comes down to actually getting the work done you need done. No one cares what car you drive, what you wear, what watches you own, or where you bought the watch you want serviced (or inherited it from).