·This is very triggering. I'm still a complete mess when it comes to Grover Cleveland. Just the mention of his name puts me in an out of control tail spin.
a complete mess when it comes to Grover Cleveland
This is very triggering. I'm still a complete mess when it comes to Grover Cleveland. Just the mention of his name puts me in an out of control tail spin.
Don’t get me started on Taft- the man never met an eclair he didn’t like
Don’t get me started on Taft- the man never met an eclair he didn’t like
Sounds like a slid dude to me.
Don’t forget, Porsche sport seats don’t like fatties.
How can these thieves spot what brand someone is wearing from outside a resturaunt or even walking down the street? I can’t even see the date window on my wrist let alone what someone is wearing across a crowded bistro.
It makes me wonder if these are inside jobs- wait staff at a swanky restaurant serves table and checks out patrons watches. Texts buddies in wait and then ducks out for a smoke when the shit goes down.
How can these thieves spot what brand someone is wearing from outside a resturaunt or even walking down the street? I can’t even see the date window on my wrist let alone what someone is wearing across a crowded bistro.
It makes me wonder if these are inside jobs- wait staff at a swanky restaurant serves table and checks out patrons watches. Texts buddies in wait and then ducks out for a smoke when the shit goes down.
How can these thieves spot what brand someone is wearing from outside a resturaunt or even walking down the street? I can’t even see the date window on my wrist let alone what someone is wearing across a crowded bistro.
Ahem.., not a dude.
Insurance fraud? "How do I unload a 100k watch in this market?"