·Seattle or Portland? Hard to tell anymore.
You don’t need to go to Seattle or Portland to see that. You’ll find similarly depressing scenes in most medium to large American cities if you know where to look.
I just know he's up that way. And yes, I see it here in quaint towns of new jersey. Thank the Sackler family and the rest of opioid pushing big pharma for that.
I know, what if we build this island and send them all there to be governed? What could go wrong?
For those of us in the U.S., I post the following without comment: Highest to Lowest - Prison Population Rate | World Prison Brief (
if the police decide it's your day to be the victim, then you are screwed.
I spent 40 years in Law Enforcement and call BS on this statement.
And there are less than 10% of prisoners housed in private prisons.
, the cops just aren't making the effort when they know they are the ones that end up as the target. There are always some sub-performing people in every job, cops are no different, but everyone I've ever known in that business have been straight up people looking to do their best job.
No one goes on TikTok to say how their local police officer waved at them or let them off of a speeding ticket.
repeat business is good business
... Did do shore patrol overseas in the Navy, they gave you an SP arm band and a radio and billy club and one week training and you patrolled the bars making sure sailors stayed out of trouble.