With increased local armed robberies, I’m no longer wearing Rolexes

124gr +p HST, 12 of them

That said, I never bury my face in my phone in public, never wear earbuds, always have eyes on the door & preferably dine with my back to the furthest wall from said door, choose a booth and sit against the wall so they can't reach me easily or maneuver behind me, leave room to bail if sitting in a drive-through, survey your surroundings carefully & ALWAYS watch people's body language.

None of these are a catch-all, but depending on where you are they're critical.
I know what hammer guy needs…

Always good to make yourself a hard target but at least in the second link they were targeting elderly and such. Even better would be to not have to worry about this stuff but it’s a problem that goes back ages.
That said, I never bury my face in my phone in public, never wear earbuds, always have eyes on the door & preferably dine with my back to the furthest wall from said door, choose a booth and sit against the wall so they can't reach me easily or maneuver behind me, leave room to bail if sitting in a drive-through, survey your surroundings carefully & ALWAYS watch people's body language.

.... sounds like a fun way to live

Chronic stress puts your health at risk - Mayo ClinicMayo Clinichttps://www.mayoclinic.org › stress › art-20046037
124gr +p HST, 12 of them

That said, I never bury my face in my phone in public, never wear earbuds, always have eyes on the door & preferably dine with my back to the furthest wall from said door, choose a booth and sit against the wall so they can't reach me easily or maneuver behind me, leave room to bail if sitting in a drive-through, survey your surroundings carefully & ALWAYS watch people's body language.

None of these are a catch-all, but depending on where you are they're critical.

You are Jack Reacher and I claim my 5 pounds
Concealed carry where allowed will cause many of these thugs to think twice.
Chronic stress over crime unchecked is a pitiful way for a civilized society to live.

This W-A-T-C-H advisory is very sad to me. It doesn't even amount to a Band-Aid placed on the festering sore that is a society breaking down: dithering, caving, submitting, cowering.

The first four recommendations are sensible. It's that fifth recommendation that is troubling.

"Hand it over, if threatened."

What sort of advice is that?! That you can possess your own watches if you aren't caught with them by the bandits of the world? If you're found out to have watches then the bandits have a "right" to possess them?

The criminal has won! The law-abiding are reduced to being the prey of the lawless. What is the criminal to think when he reads that sign? Perhaps the sign suggests that the lawless may threaten retribution and take from society without fear of societal justice or retribution. Criminals who rob understand retribution and the fear of same. It's their stock in trade. Why can't we understand that and turn it against them?

Never resist? Really? Is this what we're down to?

Trucking recommendation signs about town as a method to "fight crime." No citizenry with "starch in its drawers." No citizenry demanding for their governing minders to effectively deliver proper justice. No citizenry willing to define proper justice, or are even able to define what is proper justice and what it accomplishes that is beneficial to an ordered society.

Crime has always been a scourge, but why just give up in the face of it? Seems to be unique to the present generation to ineffectually bleat.

Yes, Western Society is breaking down. Our moral compasses are out of order and we willfully fail to realize it.

Concealed carry where allowed will cause many of these hugs to think twice.

You need concealed carry for hugs?
Is that a serious question? Really?

When that old great aunt with the mustache and mole with the hair growing out of it starts shuffling towards you with her arms outstretched you're damned right you need concealed carry. Especially when you're only 6 years old and have no other means to keep her at bay,
Is that a serious question? Really?

When that old great aunt with the mustache and mole with the hair growing out of it starts shuffling towards you with her arms outstretched you're damned right you need concealed carry. Especially when you're only 6 years old and have no other means to keep her at bay,
Lots of unsolicited cheek squeezing, wet kisses and prolonged hugs….ick.

I just realized- this sounds like a day at the White House!! ::rimshot::
About 20 odd years ago I had to make a fair sized cash withdrawal from a bank, it was in a pretty shitty area, close to where I was working at the time, it was getting a little late in the day, and I wouldn’t have time to get to a more salubrious area.

As the teller handed me the cash I could feel eyes on me, sure enough there was a junkie looking dude casing me.
As I walked out the door and up the street, I could hear footsteps behind me, I used the reflections in shop windows to monitor ol’ mates progress…. As he quickened his pace to make his move…I pulled my nasty looking pocket knife (I use it for work) outta my pocket and in the same moment opened it one handed…click!…… next thing I know ol’ mate has shit himself and is running away in the opposite direction,
Ol’ mate must’ve suddenly came to the conclusion that I was aware of his intentions, was ready for him and it would be all like too much like hard work once he’d lost the element of surprise (which he never had in the first place, but was too stupid to notice)

This was in broad daylight in the Main Street during normal trading hours, no I wasn’t about to walk up laneways, into car parks or any other ideal ambush locations with ol’ mate following. I deliberately walked past where my car was parked so as not to give him the opportunity to roll me whilst getting into my car, or letting him know which car was mine.

Normally vermin like this would steer clear of a bloke looking as big n ugly as me, but I guess when ol’mate spotted all the fun tickets the teller handed me, he thought it might be worth the risk as the haul would be better than his usual take of some little old lady’s bingo money.
Back to rolling pensioners for ol’ mate! Scumbag coward junkie piece of shit!

Anyway the moral of the story is be aware of where you are, keep an eye on anyone that seems interested and be ready to react
You need concealed carry for hugs?
Good one, missed the 't'...but the message is the same, prepare yourself and don't automatically consign yourself to become a victim. Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.
Here are some happy snaps of the knife

An old friend I’ve had it for about 40 yrs, it’s been well used and abused, always held an edge and funnily enough, it’s been the best case back opening knife I’ve ever had… much better then the designed for purpose jobs!
I only found it’s case back opening capabilities when I was away from home and needed to open up a watch that had water ingress, in order to dry it out.
It’s Japanese made, using 440A stainless steel for the blade.
Here are some happy snaps of the knife

An old friend I’ve had it for about 40 yrs, it’s been well used and abused, always held an edge and funnily enough, it’s been the best case back opening knife I’ve ever had… much better then the designed for purpose jobs!
I only found it’s case back opening capabilities when I was away from home and needed to open up a watch that had water ingress, in order to dry it out.
It’s Japanese made, using 440A stainless steel for the blade.
That's not a knife...

Sorry, I couldn't help myself 😁
I should’ve known that clip would have popped up….. only a matter of time 😁
Flying home yesterday. Spent two weeks visiting family and friends in on both coasts of Florida. I’m over the paranoia. Went into my pocket only once near a parking garage and questionable characters. it did a lot of swimming and a bit of sailing.