Sounds like the cause of death was organ failure as a result of sepsis. What a shame that it appears that the underlying UTI wasn’t successfully treated.
Personally, I dig Halle Berry. Overall, I think they were all beautiful and awesome for stepping into the role. Gemma Arterton putting her regrets all over the internet recently, just removes her from the list. She auditioned, took the role, tried hard to get and stay "famous," and got paid. But now whines about it. Total BS. But, congrats to all the other strong, sexy ladies. Go 007.
Honestly, I’m a sucker for Thunderball but OMG Claudine Auger takes the icing on the cake from all the Bond girls for me!!! A.k.A Dominetta “Domino” Derval!!
Agree with all of these, and as a child of the 70s, a double thumbs up for Caroline Munro …
As the best Bond girls have been listed, here’s a tougher question - who’s the best Bond girl we never had? I’m going with Sharon Tate..(Gal Gadot being a close second)
Ditto for @CPRwatch ... and I must be getting old as the main thing drawing my eye was the great pic of the Breitling toptime... ok and Dominetta Vitali...
Rare not to see her in dressed in black and white from that film.... I think the wetsuit / speargun photo is from the cut scene where she slowly unzips that red wetsuit and says..... ''do you like to play games Mr Bond''... and he replies '' Why my dear... have you hidden a chess(t) board under their''
Plenty of great sexual innuendo lines from those films. From Diamonds Are Forever, casino scene:
Plenty (Lana Wood): Hi, I’m Plenty!
Bond (Sean Connery): Of course you are.
Plenty: Plenty O’Toole!
Bond: Named after your father, perhaps?