··Carpe horologium!My brother-in-law brought this by tonight wanting to know more about it. I haven’t found the same reference online yet and it appears to be a front-loader, so I’m unable to open it and answer some questions myself. The case is 10K gold filled and 34mm in diameter without the crown. The crown appears to be original to the watch and everything functions as it should, though I cautioned against wearing it until it’s been serviced. I’m guessing it left the factory in the late 50s or early 60s and have no idea what movement is likely inside. Am I close on the dating and what is the most probable calibre to be found once we get it to the watchmaker? It’s not for sale and neither he nor I are interested in any valuation. I’d welcome the opinions of those more experienced, and thanks in advance for whatever knowledge you can share.
I never had mine open either, but the gentleman who sold me mine (a ‘squirrelly’ kinda fella 😉) gave me the above information.
Like you, I never opened the case.