··Hears dead people, not watch rotors.Local time and second time zone, please.
Local time and second time zone, please.
Local time now is 7:40 AM. Which second time zone are you looking for?
Wrong again.
I get that from my wife a lot too. Hey, why don't you tell us what time it is. I'd like to see if you can figure it out on your own.
Which second time zone are you looking for?
As usual, learn something every day here. I get the Zulu flag thing, but what about the yellow box with the line to 8 o'clock?
The time I can figure out 6:12:xx (although the seconds and minutes don't really match up. And a second time zone. But I can't really imagine what the Yellow and Yellow/Red/Blue/White boxes are for.
I think you’ll find that I gave an answer and you ignored it.
But given some of your other ridiculous threads you’ve pretty used up your good-will capital and I don’t think anyone cares to play anymore.
The real question is "where are you", to know what time zone to look at. It's either 12 after 10, or 12 after 6.