We were out of beef stock, so made some yesterday...7 pounds of bones, roasted for an hour:
Now cover them in tomato paste:
Add chopped onions, carrots, celery, and a couple of turnips:
Back in the oven for another hour, then it all comes out:
We split the bones and veggies into 2 pots. Add red wine, some peppercorns, bay leaves, and start the simmering process:
Simmer for 4 hours, then pour into various bowls to cool:
Today we removed the fat from all the bowls:
Into containers to freeze - just under 14 litres of stock...
Maeve did a taste test, and she approved:
The same farm that we got the beef bones from, we also got some nice fliets, so that was dinner last night. Tomato and onion pie, and mushrooms as sides: