路its like 95F outside right now..... the spousal unit is on strike....... so its pizza tonight.......
Huge plates of pasta and meatballs tonight. The sauce began to simmer on Friday night with peeled tomatoes and basil until the pork and garlic was added on Saturday. Last night the meatballs were rolled and fried. They were added to the sauce this morning and simmered during the day. Fortunately there was sauce left over to send home with the kids and some for the freezer.
Cooking at my buddies house. Whole meal off the grill. Fat ribeye, grilled salsa rojo, corn, eggplant, acorn squash and grilled home baked ciabatta. Great day away from the restaurant.
Bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwiches. Already hating the fact that the tomatoes won't be around much longer.
I'm doing the vegetarian thing. Making salad for dinner.
...thankfully my wife has been braising short ribs this afternoon though. 馃槑
Popcorn! Going to a movie screening at my old college. I'll likely follow that up with a Pot Noodle around 11pm 馃檨