With the “rivet” bracelet (assuming it is original to the watch), the watch could be about 60 years old, or older. Rolex watches don’t last forever, especially since parts for some of the older calibers are scarce, and even Rolex refuses to service some older ones. I think it would be a mistake to buy this watch without having someone evaluate the movement.
Thanks for all the info. He’s looking for £11500 on a leather strap or £12750 on the bracelet which has been refurbished by Michael Young. I think it’s all it’s money personally?
He would trade but I wouldn’t want to give up my newly acquired SM 300 2913-8 for it.
Here is my 5508 with what I understand is the original dial. I would like to find a cleaner original dial but if the choice is a beaten dial that matches a 60 year old watch and a shiny replacement dial, personally I will choose the old dial. JMHO.
Like yours, gilt/gilt/gilt. 1961.