·I want to clarify that I’m not trying to knock on other people’s tastes or say the Manhattan design is total garbage. In my opinion it’s just an okay design. Kind of a funky 80s thing. I think the previous designs were much better. So it’s weird to me why the Manhattan has stuck for 40 years. I understand if it’s selling great in other markets and with the ladies models there is no incentive to change it. After all, Omega can only make so many watches in a year and they are obviously focused elsewhere.
I understand your point. In any case it seems that Omega can create iconic design(s) from time to time, that meets the people taste(s). Just think about the Speedmaster (that I also own). It's always there. I'm not telling that this 80's design has (or had) the same impact, but I see a long-lasting design, here.